Sauerkraut, who goes by Oslow, is the owner of the local butcher/grocer. He gardens in his free time.He loves people but expresses it oddly causing most to fear him, his favorite dish is potato soup. He keeps mints behind the counter to give to people. the kids think hes a witch

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"Krautrock overshadows music made in France during the same period. Is the French music of the 70s simply not as good, or could it be that we haven't had a narrative to understand it?"

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Magical View On Tropical Reefs By Kevin Krautgarner

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This is my goblinsona they smell like sauerkraut. Lololololol

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Hey Andy, these guys look familiar. Some krautrock band perhaps?

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I can’t be the Confectioner of Dreams without learning the basics. The sauerkraut might be a bust, but let’s hope these rock candies will be successful.

(Also, I found these two. Oil apparently migrates from the putty into the paper across 1.5 years.)

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Pickles my oc she has a brother named sauerkraut.

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I got distracted writing my report on sauerkraut fermentation and ended up making sauerkraut.

I don’t have an airlock and grate, so cling film will have to do.


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: WIP list : safe-points.
If you know some safe-points / safe-spots, give them to me please.

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”Smutsiga ras! Det här är vårt land! Åk hem till Tel Aviv!”

Tidigare i veckan attackerades den judiske filosofen Alain Finkielkraut i Paris vid en Gula Västarna-demonstration.

I Axess intervjuas Finkielkraut om den ökande antisemitismen i Frankrike.

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”Smutsiga ras! Det här är vårt land! Åk hem till Tel Aviv!”

I förrgår attackerades den judiske filosofen Alain Finkielkraut i Paris i samband med en Gula Västarna-demonstration.

I Axess intervjuas Finkielkraut om den ökande antisemitismen i Frankrike.

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