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Adelante con los kyrianos, me encantan y por el momento está complicado que cambie al niño de sitio😎

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Are you a fan of Bastion and the Kyrians? Please enjoy this detailed design guide from our Art Team.

190 1529

What if I did a pandaren of every covenant .... (kyrian here)

30 105

Le saviez-vous ?

Les Kyrians sont organisés ainsi :
Leur chef est Kyrestia l'Archonte et ce depuis la création du Bastion.

À ses ordres se tiennent 5 Parangons, chaque Parangon dispose d'un lieutenant appelé "Main". On identifie un Parangon par la vertue qu'il représente.

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Can't decide if I want to heal as holy priest or holy pally so two toons landed in Shadowlands tonight. Time to level the holy heck out of Necrolord Srirajah and Kyrian Resora! ⚔ 💪

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I want my draenei to become kyrian
please blizzard I want wings pls

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Was finally watching the lo-fi remixes of the covenant themes and what the hell

i'm Gay for these kyrian

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Slowly making my way through burnout AND Shadowlands, back on my zone-outfit designing bullshit. Here's a sketch Reala's Bastion look! Inspired primarily by the zone colours and the various outfits of the Kyrian :D

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Kyrian Ascendant, art from earlier this year 👼

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You: OmG wHy woUlD YOu jOiN tHE KyRIan. TheY'Re a cULT?!!!


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A Quel'dorei having the aesthetics!
Feel free to contact me to get one of these icons! 🌸

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I wouldve gone Kyrian for the Mogs if it wasnt for the Raid/Glad Set being so pretty. Since ik i'll be primarly using them i didnt see a Reason to go Kyrian for Mogs i wont use.

My Guild is rather relaxed about what Covenant People pick despite the Plans to raid Mythic early on.

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Finished the first ascension ritual in Bastion!

This area in the is so beautiful but it also feels sad, forgotten in time. Still they make quite a decent first impression.

Also got some fancy (albeit temporary...) Kyrian ritual clothes!

But it's time to rest now💤

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A lil Swolekin icon for the of !
I must admit, I fell in love with these lil owls~

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My brand new hunter, Jen Crimson. Inspired by Bastion. Definitely going Kyrian with her!

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WoW Screen Dump of the Kyrian. I noticed the further they are along their path of ascension, the bigger they become.

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