아코이로맨틱도 에이로맨틱의 일종! 전...에이로맨틱이지만 로맨스 만화는 엄청 좋아하지롱~😄😄 자기가 에이로맨틱인 것 같은 사람은 좋아요랑 공유 누르기

3월 1일 전까지 좋아 https://t.co/6S0JmBjNLH

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발렌타인 아코이로맨틱 이벤트 당첨자는 땀님이십니다!!

내용에 정말로 공감하시는 분을 뽑고 싶었습니다!!

땀님께 찾아가 개인톡 드릴테니 원하시는 선물 하나만 골라주세요🌈🌈? https://t.co/gXEOYwUq3y

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I’m on again and im drawing my avatar because she cute 😍 friend code: DC-3319-0706

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Because Lineplay is not fair toward male player and that makes pohe has a lot female clothes---

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are really look pretty and cute eyes. She was look like cute, sweet and kind girl. UwU

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どのゲームもクリスマス仕様 🎄✨
アバターゲーム好きすぎよね〜〜( ੭ ˙࿁˙ )੭ ❄️

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除了最左邊那個,一點都沒有聖誕節感覺的房間(๑´•.̫ • `๑)

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みんなー相談したい事があるんだけどー(^O^) 僕、アニメの絵 何描いたらいいかなー ?


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I draw my own beautiful garden if for 7th Line Play Anniversary. This is called Merrily Pinkland Garden. It's for custom garden. Dang. I hope it works and wish me luck. c':

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I found a pretty picrew and try to made my fantroll,maplestory oc,lineplay oc ,and redraw them.


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😀you can add me if you play
code is BS-6306-2305

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今日は家の用事でお出かけ中なのです⊂( ・ω・ )⊃ブーン

そしてLINEPLAYのログインボーナスが急に豪華になってテンション上がってます✧ \(°∀°)// ✧

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