😀you can add me if you play
code is BS-6306-2305

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今日は家の用事でお出かけ中なのです⊂( ・ω・ )⊃ブーン

そしてLINEPLAYのログインボーナスが急に豪華になってテンション上がってます✧ \(°∀°)// ✧

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LINEPLAY黒執事の戦いは終わったかと思うじゃん?まさかのグレルが揃ったら揃ったで、今はこの凄いオタク部屋にマダムレッドいないのが許せない。マダムレッド の等身大フィギュアを愛でるグレル、性癖です!💢💢だがキャッシュはぜんぶホワイトローズにしてしまった。あとは…わかるな?

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there was this hella cute challenge in Line Play to draw the default avatar in your own style! 😭💞 (i have different art styles base on different concepts lmao help)

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Logged into my account that I’ve had since I was like 12

I forget every time how much dedication I put into this game lol
I remember reaching 120k gems just from doing tasks-

Penguins are the shit tho ngl

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I love wearing pjs on so i look sleepy

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Will Pauline appear in the Super Mario Maker 2 Direct? And be confirmed as a costume or maybe a playable character? Who knows🤷‍♀️ What do you think?

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