Even though there’s no words, I hope it was clear that Lucy’s burning the candle at both ends between her job, friends, and search for Bartlett!

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I didn’t have a lot of plans about Lucy’s parents beyond “dad’s sense of smell is stronger than Lucy’s” and “mom is strong”

Hopefully I distributed Lucy’s traits well enough that readers felt they were related!

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The Apple trio origin story involved Lucy meeting Joanna by punching the creepy guy in Joanna and Walt’s tabletop group who was following Joanna home one night

And the group was like “Wow you’re a lot cooler, you can have his spot”

(Lucy’s character was named Be’ef)

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This is the root of both Lucy’s and Jacobi’s fears, which is why the bubbles turn black again

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I gave up on being subtle about Jacobi and Lucy’s parallels

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Ik readers interpreted the black word bubbles as “Lucy’s dark side” (which is valid), but they’re meant to indicate both Lucy and Jacobi defaulting to their unhealthy, traumatized mindset of “No one will help me, I have to do this on my own”

4 143

I always knew someone was going to steal Lucy’s necklace at some point, so I was looking forward to this scene!

But I was also very nervous, because I wasn’t sure if I could convey “ruthless, manipulative, and desperate, but not evil” very well

3 135

I was frustrated because “Lucy’s search hurts the chefs” comes up every arc, and I couldn’t figure out a way to put a newer spin on it! It just repeats!!!

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Jacobi is purposefully invoking Lynn to build Lucy’s goodwill, but I also wanted to show that Jacobi DID actually follow Lynn’s advice and arrive early, because Jacobi IS actually a lot like Lucy

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This is the first time Lucy is in a dress! Lucy’s normal style is pants-based, so the only times I put her her in dresses are for scenes where I want to give the sense that she’s out of her element (this scene, the cooking competition, Lynn’s funeral)

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This somehow never came up, but the reason Joanna can spend Christmas Day /Lucy’s birthday with Lucy and Lucy doesn’t feel bad about keeping Joanna from her family is bc Joanna’s Jewish and doesn’t celebrate Christmas!

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Lucy’s hair length in the Madeleine-Sherry arc is my favorite, so when I realized I had to make it longer in the holiday arc to show the progression of time, I was VERY SAD

I like her semi-bob!!!

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But first, Thomas!!

I have a weird level of affection for such a minor character because he was my first draft Graham! Graham’s originally name was even Thomas, but I wanted something slightly less common and not 2 syllables to contrast better with Lucy’s name

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In the vein of “support each other, but save themselves”—it was important that Graham resolve his relationship with Madeleine by himself, and that Lucy not do it for him!

Lucy’s support gave him the confidence he needed, but he faces Madeleine with his own strength

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More than the social faux pas of chastising Heath over the PA system—

I wanted to show an even more serious consequence of Lucy’s fear of loss affecting her decisions

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I think a lot about how this is Madeleine and Lucy’s second and last interaction with each other

People remark on how Lucy helped all the Dimanche chefs she met, but I made the decision that there had to be at least one she didn’t!

For Madeleine, Graham helps her

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Having characters together because they choose to, and not because the plot demands it isn’t always the most sound writing choice—but for the message of this story, I think Graham simply affirming that change won’t ruin Lucy’s life is important

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It’s finally time for Lucy to articulate her character conflict!!

Lucy leaving Gourmet Hound worried me a lot bc I’d have to figure out how maneuver the plot so they’d stay in contact—but it was important to Lucy’s character that she leave

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The point of the episode is that we finally get an outsider’s view of Lucy—and Sherry immediately senses Lucy’s desperation, and how Lucy’s search isn’t just a foodie’s quirky quest

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I also was excited to begin to hint about Lucy’s fear of loss—she isn’t impartial about the issue, she’ll always side with the person trying to hold on to things (for better or for worse)

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