110 - Weezing
Type: Poison

Abilities: Levitate, Neutralizing-gas, Stench

0 0

109 - Koffing
Type: Poison

Abilities: Levitate, Neutralizing-gas, Stench

0 1

93 - Haunter
Type: Ghost / Poison

Abilities: Levitate

0 0

92 - Gastly
Type: Ghost / Poison

Abilities: Levitate

0 0

Hello guys, I'm so happy to present to you my new
artwork for

Levitate 🤍
The time it took:4 and a half days. One of my favorites actually.

FUN FACT- I constructed the room by myself. The walls, and the floor. 🤍

I hope you will enjoy it 🤍😉

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This is sleepy! 💫The space bunny💫 Her feet/paws have a special ability that lets her levitate in the air! And yes she does have a cotton tail on the back. The two first drawings I did myself and the last one was done by my friend
Thank you for this opportunity!💫💜

0 0

738 - Vikavolt
Type: Bug / Electric

Abilities: Levitate

0 1

When ur playing Gen 1 and you constantly remember that Levitate doesn't exist yet

0 10

635 - Hydreigon
Type: Dark / Dragon

Abilities: Levitate

0 1

615 - Cryogonal
Type: Ice

Abilities: Levitate

0 1

604 - Eelektross
Type: Electric

Abilities: Levitate

0 1

488 - Cresselia
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Levitate

0 2

482 - Azelf
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Levitate

0 1

481 - Mesprit
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Levitate

0 2

480 - Uxie
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Levitate

0 1

479 - Rotom
Type: Electric / Ghost

Abilities: Levitate

0 2

455 - Carnivine
Type: Grass

Abilities: Levitate

0 1