I drew a cutie Link to break in my tablet!! I really wanna draw myself a Linksona too soon..

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Old Breath of The Wild and Linksona stuff from tumblr since I haven't had time to draw lately

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You know what? I'll post my WIP here too. (i'm too late to the linksona bandwagon, but it's a good concept and I'm gonna roll with it.)

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I was going to make my Linksona but.... ear me out.....
Yiga sona....

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got a new tablet and laptop for xmas so heres some boys

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Tumblr is dead to me here have some Tys

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Rinri is back as a magical... er... person. and I are working in a magical girl au and Im having so much fun! Featuring a dark!Rinri named Linlee~

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I'm gonna shove my in every social media I have

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hey heres more gay shit
Shade and Kindle () in the monster au
Shade is a ghost boy (a poltergeist) so hes a lil see through. cept through the face cuz I aint gonna fuckin deal with that shit

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And some card designs that I give out at cons!

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Haven't contributed to in ... a long time but Gecko now has a dark version! Say hi to Eclipse, he lives to annoy~

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Commission for lyrikalnotes @ tumblr ! Their linksona Crimson !

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Happy Halloween from Mosuli and Lonk! ( )
Don´t take the hat off!!

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This week’s (month’s) mood as illustrated by Rin.

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Linksona commission for alexsparkle from Tumblr :)

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