I am sad that this year isn't a drawlloween challenge (from Kevin+Brian Luong)! Oh well, this time I have to come up with spooky content all of my own haha Hope you like it!

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火舞台的小哇,那一个侧颜回眸眼神杀,万箭齐发,秒杀众人 ; 一个无论如何必需画下的瞬间,

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力与美的结合 , 烈火中的重生 ,
斗志炸裂 , 冲出涅槃 ,

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Happy 73rd Birthday To Keone Young! The Actor Who Voiced Kaz On Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi And Luong Lao Shi On American Dragon Jake Long.

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The King of Fighters XIV

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CTHULHU SLEEVE TATTOO DESIGN by Richard Luong https://t.co/O5cHJkPxzD

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This is not mine but I want to share it.
I LOVE Luong's succubus costume 💜 https://t.co/MqHcsQFivm

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Not mine but I want to share it
I love Luong's succubus costume 💜

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20180818 應該是學著改圖,加上一些特效的時候,好像不是很喜歡而且很麻煩又沒辦法做到自己滿意,所以很少做這些。


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eughh mebbe we should go even smaller liek, half da size of this thingy.

( ._.) my instincts tel me this image belouw iss liek a week luong project and id like at most a 3day thing 2 build for u

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