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2022.2.27 퇴근송 / Pump Up The Jam - Technotronic
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #technotronic #pumpupthejam #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.2.23 퇴근송 / She - Elvis Costello (@ElvisCostello)
She…늘 아름답다 🥸, ‘노팅힐’ 덕분에 런던부터 생각난다.
런던 가고 싶다!
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #elviscostello #she #nottinghill #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.2.22 퇴근송 / Teenager - Julian Lamadrid (@JulianLamadrid_)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #julianlamadrid #teenager #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.2.19 퇴근송 / Ain't No Sunshine - Bill Withers (@billwithers)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #billwithers #aintnosunshine #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.2.12 퇴근송 / The End Is The Beginning Is The End - The Smashing Pumpkins (@SmashingPumpkin)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #thesmashingpumpkins #theendisthebeginningistheend #batman #robin #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.2.11 퇴근송 / Blackstar - David Bowie (@DavidBowieReal)
평생 메시지를 보냈던 톰 소령과는 만났겠지?
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #davidbowie #blackstar #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.2.10 퇴근송 / The Masterplan - Oasis (@oasis)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #oasis #liamgallagher #themasterplan #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.2.2 퇴근송 / Life On Mars? (2003 Ken Scott Mix) - David Bowie (@DavidBowieReal)
설 끝!
2022, 모두의 드라마는 이제부터 시작
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #davidbowie #lifeonmars #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.31 퇴근송 / Photograph - Nickelback (@Nickelback)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #nickelback #photograph #myson #legocamera #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.29 퇴근송 / Faint - LINKIN PARK (@linkinpark)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #linkinpark #chesterbennington #faint #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.27 퇴근송 / Human - Rag N Bone Man (@RagNBoneMan)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #ragnboneman #human #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.25 퇴근송 / Coming Home - The Haunted Youth (@TheHauntedYouth)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #thehauntedyouth #cominghome #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.21 퇴근송 / Just The Way You Are - Billy Joel (@billyjoel)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #billyjoel #justthewayyouare #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.20 퇴근송 / To Die For - Sam Smith (@samsmith)
망망대해로 들어갔다.
이상하고 신기한 세상.
샘 스미스의 노래를 들으며 퇴근, 좋구나!
복습하듯 하루를 돌아본다.
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #samsmith #todiefor #illustration
2022.1.18 퇴근송 / Who Has Seen the Wind? - David Byrne (@DBtodomundo)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #davidbyrne #yolatengo #whohasseenthewind #onoyoko #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.15 퇴근송 / Rocket Man (I Think It's Going To Be A Long, Long Time) - Elton John (@eltonofficial)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #eltonjohn #rocketman #ithinkitsgoingtobealonglongtime #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.13 퇴근송 / Be My Baby - The Ronettes
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #theronettes #bemybaby #ronniespector #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.12 퇴근송 / Shake It Off - Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #taylorswift #shakeitoff #sing #gunter #군터 #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.11 퇴근송 / She Said - Harper Finn
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #harperfinn #shesaid #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.9 퇴근송 / FREEDOM - Jon Batiste (@JonBatiste)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #jonbatiste #freedom #scribbling #drawing #illustration