أعمال مائية آخرى 💙💙

6 47

اسمي هديل، سعودية جنوبية من جازان
أحب أرسم وأحاول أضيف الطابع والثقافة الجنوبية برسمي

20 105

انا رِيڤ رسامة رقمي 💛

بعض اعمالي 👇🏻

71 767

كل فترة اسوي تحدي لنفسي عشان اتطور في الرسم الرقمي✨

34 289

My friends as cookies WIP ? Mena as Pumpkin Pie Cookie with her dog Canelo

9 143

Real talk, yeah, SWANA/MENA characters are so scarce that it’s not funny.
There are so few in media, and scary enough, there are so few that are visibly representative of their ethnicity.
Often times, you’ll see these kinds of characters ashed up, usually presenting White. https://t.co/yd0wc8xFNH

5 40

Someone was being too rowdy, and Mena unfortunately couldn't get them to leave peacefully. So she had to get some help from Chin

5 42

Mena legally can't be violent on Earth due to her "intergalactic war criminal" title. But if no one is around to report her well 🤷‍♀️

10 188

Mena is the only character I have with a ref, so I'll offer her up with these

1 19

I mena. That can also be arranged if you want. Here, knock yourself out

0 3

Fou mestre de Pèricles. Acusat d'impietat pels enemics d'aquest, fou processat i condemnat per afirmar que "el Sol és una mena de pedra incandescent" i fou condemnat a l'exili. Va anar a Lampsacos (Làmpsac), on va morir als 72 anys.

Imatge de Niklas Koppernigk

4 14

Primera vez que dibujo en toda mi vida, no sean malos ;-;

He estado practicando todo el día y este OC ha sido el resultado, se llama Mena y es el oráculo de la colmena!🐝

7 34

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 La tardor és un molt bon moment per passar estones en família i jugar a jocs de tota mena i el us proposa un joc per a cada ocasió: per jugar sols, amb amistats o amb la família.

Gaudeix de la història sense sortir de casa! 👉 https://t.co/BtanaIxqtw

1 6

I mena yes this will be mu reaction

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