13. Teetza! A birdhouse objectoid from Tales of Toy Town, Teetza used to be a popular circus performer when termites in his wooden head caused him to go insane. When he could no longer perform, his troupe decided to leave him behind and now he roams the streets of San Fran.

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Apesar do ato final enrolado e esticado muito além dos limites do aceitável, Dai foi tão legal. O tipo de coisa sangue quente, emocionalmente intensa que eu adoro em shounens. Vou sentir saudades

Vamos Toei, duble pra gente :(

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2 new for the Yagumbeh Region

Bittemite and Dragomite (evolutions)


Despite their facial expressions, Bittemite loves bitter foods.

While apex predators, Dragomites can encapsulate themselves within their bodies.

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happy to be part of maglord's birthday celebration this year!!!

tysm fellow magmites, writers, illustrators & esp management team for this well coordinated project!! 💜

check the website and accessible version too (asmr flip!!! >w<)


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🎤"Magni Dezmond
You should feel his presence
It his birthday
So come and give your presents!"

And here is mine! We magmites prepped something HUGE over at https://t.co/bvTp3msegs so for the love of Mag, go check it out! 🥳

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A little bit of something I did for Magni...

A bunch of magmites worked really hard on an interesting project and the day is around the corner!!

Dont forget to check and follow for more info

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¡Feliz aniversario Chelliace님! 🙌🏻💚
Nos alegra que los regalos llegarán bien y te animarán en esta fecha especial.
Eres un escritor muy importante para nosotras porqué gracias a tus novelas hemos consolidado una linda amistad. Compartiendo las emociones que nos trasmites 💚

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Magmites have been brewing something special for the GREAT Magni Dezmond's birthday! Here's a cheeky little preview of my contribution, full image will be posted on his bday!

Find out more by keeping an eye on !

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Es pq soy Chileno verdad?!
Ndeah na q ver akjsja
Pero si me los permites me guardo la imagen q dejo mi estimado 🧐

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Additional (potential) extras adding onto the main video tweet here:

-The ash collecting could have been snow based instead with a different mountain/route/town approach

-Meanwhile, devolving if taking an element away, what if you split these up back into 3 Digletts/Magnemites?

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I love Iono and I even like Bellibolt... but what I really wanna know is - will we get pink/blue magnemites? Yes please? xD

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current WIP; fellow jermamites, rise up

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O Bellibolt tem órgãos que parecem olhos, mas não são.
A Iono tem presilhas que parecem Magnemites, mas não são.
Será que podemos descartar qualquer tipo de forma nova do Magnemite agora? 🤔

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Estos fueron unos bocetos que hice hace un par de días mientras hacía tiempo acompañando a mi hermana con unos tramites 😊. Al final me tento colorearlos >w< ✨
Sufrieron unos cuantos cambios en el proceso en digital 😂💦
No me canso de dibujar a esta señorita uwu💖✨

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The Magmites have been maggin’ for an upcoming magnificent project! 🧤

Check out what the mag is going at !

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Cada día me cuesta mas dibujar para mí misma. No sé si es por haber convertido mi hobby en un trabajo y no saber definir los límites o si es una especie de bloqueo.

Aún así estoy muy feliz de haber retomado mis otros hobbies que eran la escritura y la lectura. 📚✏️

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Descubre las mejores obras de arte creadas con IA y robots, que retan los límites de la creatividad humana:

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Guys maawa naman kayo sa mga dust mites 🥹😂

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