Monika's tip of the day~
Have you ever wondered why we close our eyes to feelings such as crying, kissing or to simply dream? Because the most beautiful things in life aren't always meant to be seen. Sometimes… they just need to be felt by your heart~

36 181

Monika's tip of the day~
While in the pursuit of your passion there's unfortunately going to be some drawbacks sometimes. But, just because there's a set back doesn't mean you should stop moving forward. Just regather yourself, take a deep breath to relax and keep going~

35 181

Monika's tip of the day~
If you're passionate about something, especially if you have a dream of succeeding in its field. You must hold fast to those dreams, never letting them go. For if that dream dies then you won't be any better than a broken winged bird, never able to fly~

47 230

I'm doneeee but this is a commission, so I won't post the full pic ♡♡
This was fun!!!

Now I can't wait to follow Monika's Writing Tips and apply them to my game whahahah

Here she is, guys!
Just Monika!

Thanks !!!

14 47

Monika's tip of the day~
Do you know what's going to happen when you accomplish your current goal or your dreams? You're going to look back at one or multiple points in your life and be so glad that you decided not to give up then. So don't give up, I promise you won't regret it~

26 139

Monika's tip of the day~
"I'm sorry," are two words most commonly used in apologies. And normally by your tone of voice can others really tell if you are genuine in saying them. But let me just tell you, it takes a bigger person to be able to apologize. Why not be that person~?

32 188

Monika's tip of the day~
You should learn not only to love yourself but others around you as well. That is one of the sole ways to make someone happy and spread positivity. It may still happen from time to time, but try not to let anyone come to you without them leaving happier~

35 155

Anyay, I'm not good at coloring clothes and I'm going to use all my brain power to figure out how I can avoid drawing Monika's leg and shoes.

9 60

Monika's tip of the day~
I get asked a lot how I have so many Monikitties (followers). And how they can achieve the same feat. I'll tell you how but you have to be sure to put your heart into it okay~?
You just have to simply be somebody that makes everybody feel like a somebody~

29 159

Monika's tip of the day~
I have a question for you… do you know anything about archery? If not then let me indulge you a bit. The only way an arrow can fly is from being pulled back first. So when life pulls you back, think about it as if it's about to let you fly real soon~

42 189

Monika's tip of the day~
When it comes to the path that you're traveling in your life, you'll come across many forks in the road. Some decisions may be easier than others but sometimes the right path isn't the easiest one. If a plan doesn't work then change the plan not the goal~

26 142

Monika's tip of the day~
You may feel like you have to but I promise you that it's going to stress you out and have you feel like you're never enough. Just spread all the positivity and happiness that you can and forgive the negative~

51 216

Monika's tip of the day~
If you try to do something, you might risk failure; you might even risk success if you do it occasionally. But if you don't do try anything at all then failure is inevitable. So instead why not try consistently that way you can reach your dream~?

37 175

First time Commission!
The theme is “LilimMonika's pixel art like Va-11 Hall-a”

You can show the Nomal Monika Pixel art !
If you find my illust great,I want to drink coffee.
thanks :)

111 401

Monika's tip of the day~
I hope, one day everything will fall into place for you. That you realize what's important and what's not. That you tend to think less of what others think negatively about you and you start thinking more about yourself. That you'll smile more & cry less~

36 223

Monika's tip of the day~
It's okay if you wear your heart on your sleeve. Some of the most beautiful people tend to, but not only do they do that. They also wear their souls in their smile, that way a piece of you is shared through someone else's smile~

29 165

Monika's tip of the day~
Life isn't easy for anybody, just because people may look alright. It may not always be the case, there's never anything wrong with checking on someone. We're all dealing with inner struggles and could use a little support, even if we don't realize it~

36 162

Monika's tip of the day~
When people fall down, it's usually by accident due to them tripping over something. Then we just get back up and dust ourselves off if it wasn't that serious. But do you know why? Because falling down may be accidental but getting back up is a choice~

44 223