Day 13: Memories

The frustrating sadness of knowing you forgot something- someone- is a unique one.

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4 42

Day 11: Family

This one is a bit messy but LOOK AT THEM

3 23

Day 8: Villain
The favorite cultist / warlock of season 1 :]
(i'm counting him as a villain cuz he cool)

I slapped sm red on this to make SURE it read as summoning circle and smth not quite sane going on :D

8 46

s1 sausage and joel with hermes :D joel and hermes by

2 9

Day 5: Sword/Weapon
Sausages axe!! :D

'twas a doodling kind of day, actually pretty happy with my Sausage design though?? He's hitting all the checkmarks :]

6 42

=day 5 : sword/weapon=
the protector of Sanctuary!

every custom items are so good its so hard to pick one hhhh

49 468

I drew the Wither Rose Alliance as childhood friends because I can!!

Day 1 + 2 (Alliance + Flower)

40 238

i wish i had a consistent artstyle HSKD i feel like i have a hundred, also sorry for all the white space on this its just a doodle ^^

2 72

Are these just hallucinations or a part of my memory?

untag if replying ty

70 639

Lol when ur other dad is at war with a toy and you have to cry in your dad’s lap so relatable…

10 106

gonna throw my into the ring. they’re a grave keeper in sanctuary (not inspired by my own art hahaha)

1 3

oh to be a tall, sexy god with muscles to carry his son and the ‘friend’ you share custody of said child with

Hermes’ design is based on the idea that he’s a doll brought to life

28 203

Empires SMP S2 FanArt of

Title: Fathers Love

Want to see how I drew this FanArt? Click the YouTube video link.

11 97