3am, still no voice tweets so
learn2meow nihongo because i cannot chuugokugo

5 34

私の日本語 - 目次
わたしのにほんご - もくじ

<HILO> RT por favor, hagamos que este libro sea un éxito!

*A la venta a mediados de noviembre en Kickstarter

Escritora: Sandra Carrascosa

218 280

nitto kyappu tyann ^v^
nihongoga utenai nannde

95 532

Thank you again for joining me today, friends~ I'm gonna have to study hard for the NIHONGO TAIMU hahahaha But it was fun anyway 😅

Please show love to today's Vtuber !

5 20

watashi nihongo daijobu mugen tsukkiyomi

1 0

{9/21 - 9/26 SCHEDULE}

This week’s schedule is decided. While taking a small break from music, let’s enjoy various things such as “muzukashii nihongo” and also some “clutch gaming.”

or smth idk
Catch You next week, Dead Beats!✿☻

688 6345

Neko wo kaburu

Neko = kucing
wo = (partikel objek)
kaburu = mengenakan di kepala

Jadi, neko wo kaburu arti literalnya "memakai kucing di kepala", tapi makna kiasannya "berpura-pura baik".

Jadi kalo dibilang "nekokaburi" artinya kamu dituduh sok baik/hipokrit.

20 92


1 1

糸 (thread)
電話 (telephones)

tin can telephones



2 7

Want to support Riko and kawaiiNihongo?
We opened a Ko-Fi account, a page where you can support us with any amount as small as $3.❤️

This way we can continue producing more free Riko content and make more Japanese learning lessons. 🥳



13 163

From all languages in the world, do you want to learn Japanese the most? To many people, their goal is to learn Japanese well enough to travel to Japan. 🇯🇵

Did you know that you can set the language in kawaiiNihongo to English, German, Spanish or French? ❤️


11 67

ye saya piyik nihongo, tp krn demenny web itu.. red egg evolve~

0 0

IKR: My best friend is from elem school, but also made great friends with work/class-mates when I was studying jap (minna no nihongo shokyuu lessons 1 to 50). I'm VERY lucky to still have a job in this $ crisis. And have u and every1 who loves animu & waifus. UwU. U're family too

0 3

What is better than one Riko? TWO Rikos 🦊

But would two Rikos help you study Japanese even more or would it be distracting? 😂

Fact is, Riko would be happy if you continued your lessons in kawaiiNihongo~ 🇯🇵❤️

Artist: -sensei

20 183

Which Riko is your favorite? The cute and happy Riko or the sexy and mysterious Riko, like this one? 🦊

You can find the most important Riko - the one helping you to learn Japanese - in our app kawaiiNihongo. 🇯🇵

Available for Android and iOS ❤️

Artist: -sensei

12 110