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Honey Badger
Scientific Name: Mellivora capensis
Japanese Name: ラーテル
Also known as: Ratel
Romanised Name: Rāteru
Diet: Omnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 26 Yrs
Distribution: Africa, Southwest Asia, the Indian subcontinent
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Wannanosaurus yansiensis
Meaning: "Wannan reptile"
Length: 60 cm (2 ft)
Lived: Late Cretaceous China
Diet: omnivore
Suborder: pachycephalosauria
Named: 1977
Island Fox
Diet: Omnivore
Distribution: Channel Islands
Japanese Name: シマハイイロギツネ
Scientific Name: Urocyon littoralis
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 4-6 years
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Romanised Name: Shimahaiirogitsune
Domestic Pig
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Scientific Name: Sus scrofa domesticus
Japanese Name: ブタ
Romanised Name: Buta
Distribution: Widespread
Diet: Omnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15-20 years
Also known as: Pig, Swine, Hog
261 - Poochyena
Type: Dark
POOCHYENA is an omnivore - it will eat anything. A distinguishing feature is how large its fangs are compared to its body. This POKéMON tries to intimidate its foes by making the hair on its tail bristle out.
@slayer_pixel Tamegi is a maniac omnivore that loves throwing veggies in everything, but Kreema is straight vegetarian
Because their fusion never "settled" they don't really have a preference of food as Tamega. She loves pretty much anything that isn't rotten or blinking
Green Pheasant
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Romanised Name: Kiji
Japanese Name: キジ
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Scientific Name: Phasianus versicolor
Distribution: Japan
Diet: Omnivore
Also known as: Japanese green pheasant
@KaylasKritterz Fav Herbivore: Therizinosaurus
Fav Carnivore: Dilophosaurus
Fav Omnivore: Gallimimus
Fav Pterosaur: Ornithocheirus
brought up at the rock circle when the adults of the valley must have discussed whether they were going to allow a sharptooth like Chomper and an omnivore like Ruby to live amongst them. The point is, Guido is meant to be an oddity, unique amongst himself and without
By using electricity, Astalos has an effective weapon that can be used for capturing and killing prey. This flying wyvern is an omnivore that primarily feeds on lesser creatures like Vespoid, Velociprey, and Velocidrome.
Sun Bear
Distribution: Southeast Asia
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 25 years
Diet: Omnivore
Romanised Name: Marē guma
Japanese Name: マレーグマ
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Scientific Name: Helarctos malayanus
Long-Tailed Chinchilla
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Chinchilla lanigera
Japanese Name: チンチラ
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10 years
Also known as: Chinchilla
Conservation Status: Endangered
Distribution: South America
Romanised Name: Chinchira
While some Thyreophora are either carnivores or omnivores now, some have still retained their herbivorous diet. This implies that the families of Stegosaurids and Ichthyostegids may have got separated very early on, perhaps way back in the Eocene.
My series of very serious STEM comics continues with the help of @VenkmanProject & @SterlingKids' Draw Kawaii in 5 Simple Steps! #Hamburger #Kawaii #STEM-ish #comics #omnivore #chocolate #thefivefoodgroups #grain #meat #vegetable #dairy #dessert
Also known as: Andean Fox
Scientific Name: Lycalopex culpaeus
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Diet: Omnivore
Japanese Name: クルペオギツネ
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Romanised Name: Kurupeo Gitsune
BONUS WHOLESOME! Dingodile didn’t want any hard feelings between him and Crash! So he invited Crash for an all you can eat! Dingodile’s official new taste tester!
(Bandicoots are omnivores shh lol)
#CrashBandicoot #CrashBandicoot4 #Crash4 @CrashBandicoot #Dingodile
Domestic Pig
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Japanese Name: ブタ
Scientific Name: Sus scrofa domesticus
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15-20 years
Romanised Name: Buta
Also known as: Pig, Swine, Hog
Distribution: Widespread
Diet: Omnivore