To cap off Laura's story for this half of the arc, the nicest surviving Pantheon member tells her she's only going to make things worse if she gets involved. What she hears is that she makes everything worse.

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Yeah, I'm back to thinking she wouldn't have had an epiphany if she'd made it to

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Saving this one for the next time a student does something stupid in class.

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Cass, it's Hazel. Her not getting the problem should never be shocking.

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Because it's flat, blank, and imperfectly reflects what you are on the surface?

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Sakhmet's philosophy of hurting makes sense given her background; what's more interesting is that Laura asks her about it in the first place. This might be the first moment of doubt that Laura's expressed regarding her behavior since the arc started.

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Not god's motif pops up again. Given what we learn later, it's clear that even if she doesn't think it's true, Cassandra believes it's true, at least about herself.

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Woden's point about Cass being insensitive and invasive when she's after an answer is valid, but I maintain that given his *known* actions, it's not inappropriate for her to investigate him at all.

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I don't blame Cass for being curious; Woden's a giant red flag that needs to be investigated. It is unfortunate that she goes about it so clumsily though.

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Ruth will always tell you the truth about what she thinks of you. She'll never tell you the truth about what she thinks of herself.

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This is like seeing the name of someone who's died in your address book turned up to eleven, except Laura asked Baphomet to do this.

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Baal establishes the Pantheon's impunity to the outside world while promising they'll police themselves. Watchmen riffs abound.

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Laura looks almost happy. That's definitely the look you give someone when you feel like they see you mixed with a bit of sadness.

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I've never read this issue digitally before (TPBs are my bread and butter for series I love enough to re-read), so I'm curious to see how the guided view handles the panel order for the montage.

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This panel always stops me. What is Baal's expression here? I think it's the look you get when you're focused on a task and not thinking about what your face is doing? I could see this expression on someone engrossed in a video game, y'know?

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