Mrs Patel's outsourcing

1 10

Light four wheeler truck with a unique side dumping system. The truck ended up being a commercial failure thanks primarily to its horrendously poorly written manual (which was outsourced to cut costs). Untrained operators repeatedly tipped the whole vehicle over.

5 65

❥ 13 - A Cabana, de Caroline Favret, Cadu Moutsopoulos e Gustavo Novaes

௮ Nota: ★★★★★
✑ Comentário adicional: meus amores que história bem construída, mas não passo pano pro personagem principal sinto muito

0 0

I loved you first, but afterwards your love outsoaring mine,

..For one is both and both are one in love:

Rich love knows nought of ‘thine that is not mine;

Both have the strength and both the length thereof,

Both of us, of the love which makes us one.

0 7

New professors already outsold Juniper and Sycamore

0 0

Я обещала себе не шипперить своего перса ни с каким нпс, но Маккриди такой хэндсом 👉👈

0 6


- Smooth brain
- Loves his grandmother
- Green eyes
- Run away
- Outsourcing parenting
- Ages like wine

4 47

블랙서바이벌 레이서 레녹스 작업하였습니다! 공개됬길래 올려봅니다😘

30 196

He looks fine except for few outsourced moments ofc.

0 0


181 1109

izumi outsold in the maid category i fear

5 9

If anyone was curious to find me at FWA this weekend and say hi! I'm this goof and will be wearing this badge made my @/SNOUTSOFT!! Super excited for this weekend and can't wait to see everyone!!

2 50

Outsold SM's editor

1403 6284