Hej wszystkim ^^/
Widzimy się dzisiaj o 18:00 na specialu z okazji 100 subów ❤️ mam nadzieję, że wpadniecie choć na chwilę :3

1 5

Here's your next dose of Polish VTubers~! ✨

As always, thank you for watching and being so active in the chat 🥺💖💗

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dziękuję ogromnie za odwiedziny!!

Kaguyę dokończę już off-stream, by nie męczyć nią trzeciego live'a i chyba nie wytrzymam i również przejdę do rysowania PLVtuberów, tak coś czuję. Trzymajcie się ciepło (bądź zimno jeśli ktoś preferuje) i miłego wieczoru!!

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Hej wszystkim ^^/
Wracam do "regularnego" streamowania, jutro o 18:00 będzie collab z oraz z Monster Hunter World
Do zobaczenia na streamku ❤️

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More Polish VTubers from today's stream!! 🤩

Thank you for watching me! Thank you for talking with me on a chat! Thank you for donates! And thank you for support! I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️

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Dziękuję przeogromnie za miły wieczór! A big THANK YOU guys for a nice evening ❤❤❤

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"two - are you ready?"

Czwartek/Thursday/木曜日, 28.01, 6:30PM CET! (or 5:30 PM UTC)

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Another Polish VTubers from today's stream ☺️
Thank you for watching me! Hope you had fun ❤️

and Blackquill (I don't know if he has a Twitter, so here's his YT: https://t.co/IrFlnsmCFK)

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"three - hey, I count down!"

[PL] Pierwszy stream już w nadchodzącym tygodniu!
[EN] First stream in the upcoming week!
[JP] 最初のストリームは来週!

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when they call you a boomer but you're actually a doomer🥲
(i really wojack memes im sorry)

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Polish VTubers from today's stream~ ✨

Hope to be able to draw more of them on the next stream! Thank you for watching me today ❤️

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I am with my friends - and at the party! We are having such a good time! 🤗

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We made it on the last stream! Thank you for watching ❤️

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Have you seen my new emotes yet? 😃

I made them kinda a while ago, but forgot to post 😭😭

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My winter outfit! 😊❄️⛄️
I didn't change it that much tho

I don't know why, but I feel shy about showing you guys this outfit 😳😳😳

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Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in between! We did it!
Finally we reached affiliate on Twitch!! 😀❤️

Thank you so much for commitment ☺️

Here are some chat emotes for subscribers:

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Hello everyone!
My name is Nana and I'm going to be debuting in the near future, I hope to be in your care. Heres a little chibi me to introduce myself😊🌿

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