It's the Autumn Equinox! What are some of your favorite ways to celebrate fall? We're thinking a warm sweater, and a great book. These are sure to get you into the spirit of the season!

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Also, because I just finished reading the first book of Barbarous here's a random ridiculous picture of Leeds in a turtleneck with a for and since we had a fun talk about and all stuff in Maryland (neither of which inspired this lmao)

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I could say so many poetic things abut this / , but what's really important is that this has been saved as PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte, if you're not familiar with the acronym) on my computer <;

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I wanted to roughly paint something cute and autumnal for the change of season and it wouldn’t be true autumn without snuggly jumpers and a stereotypical, Pumpkin spice latte - 🎃🍂🍁

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Lagiiii nak share eyeshadow sbb Focallure ni mmg eyeshadow dia yg best gila! pigmented, long lasting, less fallouts. Kita sendiri pakai psl tu kita tau. ada 9 colour coral yg leffff sgt, tinggal 1 je code 05 ni. ada both shimmer & matte. palette dia pun ringan sgt. RM15 jeeee

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Enjoying my first of the season and ITS DELICIOUS!!!!

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first monday miku post bday, suggested PSL miku to welcome fall

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Had my first psl of the season today UwU got high asf too. HELLO FALL!🍂🍁🎃

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What can I say - I'm in a fall mood okay?? 😭🍃🍂 I give the internet a shiba inu drinking a PSL.

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Doggust/Outfit August Days 9 and 10! This winterwear poodle sure isn't enjoying her PSL, and the springtime Norwegian elk-hound is excited about her fresh new bouquet. Had to skip day 8 but oh well!

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Blusher ni sorg dh reserve code tipsy so tinggal lg seketul jelah. Hat ni dlm pan tau psl tu rm6 je. Tp jgn risau kita sndiri pakai yg dlm pan ni sbb murah n senang je nk bawak, yg penting skrg murah n berkualiti kannn😍

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So, it's a end of PSL 4 campaign. See you again next year Rana sahab ♥

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グリマス日和 -ミリマス、ミリシタ情報まとめ- : 【グリマス】PSL編シーズン3 灼熱少女[第3話]突然のオフタイム♪

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グリマス日和 -ミリマス、ミリシタ情報まとめ- : 【グリマス】PSL編シーズン3 灼熱少女[第2話]しっかり者リーダー!

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グリマス日和 -ミリマス、ミリシタ情報まとめ- : 【グリマス】PSL編シーズン3 リコッタ[第6話]ホントに、お節介

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グリマス日和 -ミリマス、ミリシタ情報まとめ- : 【グリマス】PSL編シーズン3 リコッタ[第4話]晴れ、ときどき曇り

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グリマス日和 -ミリマス、ミリシタ情報まとめ- : 【グリマス】PSL編シーズン3 リコッタ[第4話]追いつけ、追い越せ!

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グリマス日和 -ミリマス、ミリシタ情報まとめ- : 【グリマス】PSL編シーズン3 リコッタ[第1話]わたし達の3rdライブ

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グリマス日和 -ミリマス、ミリシタ情報まとめ- : 【グリマス】PSL編シーズン2エターナルハーモニー [第8話]プラチナスターライブ!!

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