I have just finished 2 other "Coin on Drugs"

No. 9 Painkiller
No. 10 Sports Betting

1 3

There's only a few hours left to back the new PAINKILLER JANE campaign from and 's . Check out 's exclusive preview.


3 5

Painkiller Jane: Heartbreaker crowdfuding ends in just 24 hrs! Grab a copy of the action packed mature audience one-shot while you still can!


2 11

Strawberry Painkiller 2ndアルバム
【Strawberry Disease】🦇🖤🖤



1 Grave Skull
2 千ノナイフ
3 Bloodsucking Dreams
4 Undead Berry
5 永遠に美しく


0 1

Nuevo capítulo de painkiller ya publicado :D
El cap 48 es de los más largos y sin duda es el que más me ha costado sobre todo por la complejidad del tema que quiero abordar
Gracias a y a por ayudarme con el color 💜

1 11

btw here's an illustration of the instrument used to take a cervical biopsy

no anesthesia, no painkillers, stop screaming it doesn't hurt

11 49

🐺#LOVEBITES ベストアルバム『In The Beginning - The Best Of 2017-2021』❗️

VICTOR ONLINE STORE限定のJudas Priest「Painkiller」カヴァー収録CD付き完全受注生産アンティメットエディションの受付〆切を、制作進行スケジュールの調整により11/17(水)まで延長しました❗️

159 1013

Strawberry Painkiller 2ndアルバム
【Strawberry Disease】🍓💉💉


1 Grave Skull
2 千ノナイフ
3 Bloodsucking Dreams
4 Undead Berry
5 永遠に美しく

0 0

Advil, Tylenol and Similar Painkillers Used to Replace Opioids Carry Risks https://t.co/4kReF4M4Q5

1 2

✨little reminder✨ check out PAINKILLER JANE: HEARTBREAKER on KS! Less than 10 days left: https://t.co/WRRBAxthcY 💖

1 3

🐺#LOVEBITES ベストアルバム『In The Beginning - The Best Of 2017-2021』、全6形態で12/22(水)発売決定❗️


Judas Priest「Painkiller」のカヴァー収録CD付きアルティメット版はVICTOR ONLINE STOREで完全受注生産!Tシャツ&パッチとのセットも!


37 224

🐺#LOVEBITES ベストアルバム『In The Beginning - The Best Of 2017-2021』、全6形態で12/22(水)発売決定❗️


Judas Priest「Painkiller」カヴァー収録CD付き究極版は、VICTOR ONLINE STOREで完全受注生産❗️Tシャツ&パッチとのセットも❗️FC特典も‼️


286 1344

They’re just sitting like this talking about painkillers. Completely normal professional chatter between rivals.

69 224

Painkiller Jane: Heartbreaker is a self-contained story that captures everything you have grown to love with Painkiller Jane.―

looks at the new project, with covers by , , and more.


9 41