// slight blood

day 8: vampire

vampire vyncent my absolute favorite au
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42 198

🐟 FISH ATTACK 🐟 - based on the Just Roll What If “Otherworldly Summoning”
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80 448

// eyes

day five: eyes

this is rlly quick but here’s my son
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14 75

@/ JRWICORD whiteboard drawings :D!!!


5 47

day four: witch

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41 139

“Well, there’s only two other ghosts here right now, if that helps… Dakota and Vyncent, I think…”

“…are they trying to hurt me?”

“No, uh… I think they wanna say hi…?”

2 13

day 1: ghost

i’m so late to day 1 i am Sobbing but here is a very rushed william wisp 🙏 it’s not even accurate to his s2 description i am Sobbing x2

52 238

bee movie moment teehee

congrats on 300 also 400 now :DDD this was super fun I love messing with lighting
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54 209

OK FUCK IT CANT WAIT ANY LONGER!!!! Part 6 of pd plushies, Mark "Wavelength" Winters!!!!! And ye these would be 2 separate plushies

9 61

从下午画到现在六个小时…热死我了😮不过我很满意 终于产出了高质量的图图。。GHOSTKNIFE GO GO GO
-You said thw starry sky you enjoyed with me was beautiful.
Yes,but it was not the sky,it was you.

26 90

my jrwitobers probably wont be too detailed and maybe not even coloured at all!! but DAY 1 !! GHOST !!

" Soooo this is what you feel like everyday ????? "

3 34

Wearing a skirt can't affect his kick speed
Love to think cheerleader Dakota
It's so cute😌

idea from

9 45

// prime defenders spoilers ep 24 , angst , Ashe hurt

Ashe’s Theory of Happiness

Original MV is Ayano’s Theory of Happiness by Jin

11 85

// pd s2 episode 14 spoilers

hellooo ghostknife nation i got something for y'all

32 183

/ vague prime defenders spoilers, ghostknife

condi described vyncent smiling REALLY big and i couldn't Not draw it.

45 188