🇮🇹Nel prototipo dell'originale lore doveva essere raccontata da dei graffiti sui muri scritti col sangue dalle vittime del virusT prima di trasformarsi in zombie.
Gli sviluppatori cancellarono quest'idea perché ritenuta troppo irrealistica

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In the prototype of OG lore supposed to be told in some graffiti on walls from T-virus victims written by blood before turned into zombie.
Developers took them off 'cause felt they were too much unrealistic

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Once we have RE1, here's an idea for the next game.

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RE1 Jill Valentine 🌟
Commission to @/jillslockpick

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Chris/Jill 💚💙
RE1 started it and RE5/Revelations made me like them even more 😌

I used to like more pairings, but not anymore 😕 (for different reasons...)

And my OTP, of course:
Claire/Dante 😚💕 https://t.co/qsYg2cq6zI

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This was supposed to be a stupid/funny idea but once again. Once. Again. I Gave Mob the most Tender™ expression Possible, but hey at least re1gens still my lil bitch

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Resident Evil franchise sale on XBL https://t.co/4pkUhbJH3t

•RE0 $4.99
•RE1 $4.99
•RE2 $15.99
•RE3 $19.79
•RE4 $7.99
•RE5 $7.99
•RE6 $7.99
•RE7 $9.99
•RE Village $40.19
•RE Revelaitons 1+2 Bundle $15.99

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Day 18.- Zombie

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3rd Game drawing!

I couldn't leave RE behind! So I decided to force myself to choose what type of zombie or mutant I wanted to do..

So yeh! I chose the very first Tyrant! (a lil' smol🤣)

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Since it's Halloween I thought why not have my FFXIV character wear a costume? So, here she is in a RE1 Jill Valentine costume. I wanna thank for making it possible and I recommend you check out her art.

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L'hobby di riguardante le motociclette è preso dal personaggio scartato Elza Walker la quale era una motociclista professionista e originale protagonista di (RE1.5)

Trovo carino il fatto che abbiano mantenuto questa cosa per il pg di Claire

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( chris redfield - re1 )

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i finished my RE1 ~vaporwave~ inspired print finally, and tbh... seeing all three together is very satisfying lol

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Day 11 : Zombie 🧟

I think I loved RE1 too much lmfao

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SteamForgedGame's "Resident Evil: The Board Game" boxart is a reference to the original RE1's Japanese boxart, including the purple/yellow "Survival Horror" genre label.

Capcom uses unique genre labels for their IPs in their region e.g. Street Fighter is "V.S. Fighting"

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Original Concept from RE1

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Chris in RE1 Remake looks fucking weak but Jill in RE1 Remake is major qt

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chris in my memory from game i most recently watched vs. chris how i picture him in the re1 novel (cute art i like from the original game i believe)

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🇮🇹#ChrisRedfield è raffigurato mentre fuma sin dalle bozze iniziali di quindi è una sua caratteristica piuttosto nota.
Detesto il fatto che continui a fumare in probabilmente a causa di ciò che sta ancora affrontando per colpa del bioterrorismo

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shown smoking since his very early concepts and more so it's a pretty charactered detail for him.
I hate he's keeping to smoke in probably 'cause he's still having hard times due bioterrorism

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Happy October 1st Everyone 😁
Thanks 🤗🥰
Jill Valentine my Favorite Character since RE1 1996, she is very special to me
I just hope Capcom will give justice to Jill and Bring her back in a Main Role 🤞

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