Cartoon from on the crisis and which is being disastrously handled by government

2 4

not sure if Catalonia will become a real country, but they earn a country ball in my game.

3 12

The Catalonia referendum. More in our newsroom:

27 31

Spain is an abuser, beating up his/her spouse for saying they want a divorce.

228 387

Catalan referendum: 'Hundreds hurt' as police try to stop voters -Patrick Blower - political carton gallery in Putney

38 33

Desde la distancia, queriendo sentirme más cerca de casa.

Ahora subo el inktober :)

0 1

A mi esto no me da vergüenza como española, me da vergüenza como SER HUMANO.

29 28

Donne e anziani manganellati dalla Guardia Civil nelle scuole per impedire il referendum sull'indipendenza della

350 172

Ahora mismo, el está en portada de webs de medios como la BBC, la CNN o el New York Times.

1 1

Que no suceda nada grave durante por culpa de unos políticos mediocres

26 19

Tweety Bird has become the symbol of the referendum.


883 1245