Is it a letter of resignation, or an engagement announcement (or both?)

130 553

Moe (モイ) is capable of frustrating Calvin to the point of resignation and operates through physical coercion. Moe had years of training starting from a young age to become a pilot for the TRK Unit-02. He is stubborn and finds it difficult to express his true feelings to others.

14 114

THANKU. Please pray for my hand I can feel they already writing a resignation letter because I overworked them

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One night stands, chance encounters in the woods or a coffee shop graphically reflect resignation to one’s chosen fate and are described in desperate, wrenching language and detail. - LuLynne Streeter, Hollering Woman Press.

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This fear, uncertainty and resignation can be seen on every panel, and the last scene evoked in him the same reaction as the Kozuke's letters in Mei 😱 There will be war.

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Silence haunting
Silence taunting
Silence my expectation
Silence - resignation
quiet hesitation
Leaving quietly
I will stop calling
Melancholy is over me
Quiet Sadness
filling the void

49 134

Chris Riddell on after Theresa May, Boris Johnson? The former foreign secretary flexes his wings, with a little something for Nigel Farage - political cartoon gallery in London

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Peter Schrank: What took her so long? She should never have taken on the job in the first place. What a disastrous legacy. TheresaMay - political cartoon gallery in London

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Roxas' resignation. "Sora, see? That's why it has to be you."

And that's why, Roxas had to fade away. Except, as he later finds out, his words come to haunt him in a way he'd never imagine, with Sora no longer by his side.

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idk why bones didn't add the names so i will;;;

100% ecstasy
100% sadness
100% resignation
100% courage

646 1671

say what you want true resignation is all might buying clothes that fit

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JUST IN: Mocha Uson has announced her resignation as PCOO Assistant Secretary during the Senate hearing for the office's budget.

502 1434

HI ✨back at it again with 3/4 of 's "I QUIT" series: "My Letter of Resignation Was an Entire Issue of a National Magazine,"a story about a woman who used the power of the I-Ching as inspiration to stick it to her sexist boss. 🐉

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The RWS was founded in 1804 and a LOT has happened since then. To quote Hon. Curator James Faure Walker, 'From the start, rival societies sprang up, with splits and furious resignations.' (blimey!) Read James' full article on here:

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