Ruthie from CA (recently moved here!)

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A4: I’m enjoying it because I don’t have to pick and choose what I can go to. I can log in and watch and then watch others later. I feel more connected to a bigger group this way for sure!

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Hey friends! Just want to share, I have a picture book coming out next Thursday, 8/7!

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Hi, friends! I'm Sara Vecchi, and illustrator from central Ohio. I'm currently developing a couple GN projects, as well as working on a PB collaboration that I'm very excited about.

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If it's quick, it's called a "blep." If it lasts for a while, it's called a "mlem." So says internet culture 😜

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A3: Definitely the Book! Other publications as well, but sometimes I get hung up on the foundation of how somethings happens and I can't start unless I know the basic steps and the Book helped explain the process in such a helpful way.

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Having fun meeting all of you and there's so much amazing work!!! 😲#SCBWIartists This account is fairly new so if any of you want to see more of my art, you can check out my instagram

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A1: Hi! I'm Jen Seggio, and I'm from New York! Here are a few of my favorite pieces:

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This is all happening so fast. Lol trying to figure out how to jump into a conversation.

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here’s a piece I did because I love Anne and Gilbert so :)

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Q2: In all honesty, it comes and goes. But I'm with a two year old for 12 hours a day, so when it comes, I'm sooooo grateful! lol

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This is a sneak peek from my new book that was officially released yesterday. ‘Huberta’s Big Surprise’ by Klay and Mark Lamprell.

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Q2: I've been experimenting with different prompts. Lately, I did a "tea cat" series and got to sell stickers on Redbubble! It's been a motivational experience :)

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Hi I'm Paula. So excited to be here! You can find my portfolio in the Showcase and also online.

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A2 to Q2 I've managed to stay creative by drawing and learning new things like cooking. I've also been able to reflect on what's really important in my life which itself has been the biggest lesson so far during the quarantine :)

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First time. Write & illustrate picture books. From MN.

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Q1- Kaz from Colorado, Rocky Mountain region. I like drawing cute and spooky stuff best! Here’s ghost Santa and me as the Goth Ness Monster.

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Hi from NoVA! I’m so glad this years summer conference is online as otherwise I wouldn’t be able to attend. Love to meet others from my area!

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here’s my intro AGAIN :) with a spread from a book coming out in November about light pollution (Sarah Holden in Minneapolis)

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Q2: I’m always drowning in ideas! They just keep on comming and I keep writing them down in my notebook. My desk is papered with sticky notes, because I don’t know what to do first! (Satisfying to take those down.) IG keeps me sane. My Followers are the best! 🥰

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