167/365 - it's wutai wednesday, here is chibi kisaragi-chan

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165/365 - the next person to speak english loses

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164/365 - this is pretty much all i have time to draw today

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161/365 - i wanted to do a coco drawing for a while but i didn't want these to be the circumstances that finally made me do it. stay based ✊😤

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160/365 - shhhh, she's too tired for wutai wednesday this week

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159/365 - the summer of science continues with an incredible discovery!!!

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158/365 - i'm back on the one piece grind

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157/365 - my second drawing in a row of someone named yukari but this time it's the birthday girl

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156/365 - sensei's face when my drawing is late

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155/365 - finished bleach today. ALMOST worth it for her

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154/365 - actually had time today to draw something nice

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153/365 - it is wutai wednesday AND the 1 year anniversary of me starting the urusei tv series so you know i had to it.

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152/365 - it's june 1 which means the Summer of Science has BEGUN!!!!! i've saved all my ema ideas for the next 3 months so you're gonna be seeing lots of everyone's favorite forensic scientist. but today i have work so i only have time for a flat color sprite redraw

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151/365 - got a request to draw serval in the purple rain outfit

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149/365 - it's been 1 year since i first watched my favorite anime movie, beautiful dreamer, and started my downward spiral. here's a good lum from the film

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148/365 - i just drew konata recently but it's her birthday so here's another

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