Here, have the full evolution line for my Water/Electric Magnemite regional variant concept.

Essentially, their power plant crashed into the sea so the magnets became fish to survive. And then they evolve into a Lovecraftian terror.

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So I just finished drawing this little scrunkly for my Pokemon fangame concept.

This is Morini. She's a legendary, but for most of the game she's in this tiny sealed forme. She travels with the player for much of the game, but isn't suited for battles.

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So who else remembers Caspian and Francesca, my OCs from the "school kids RPG" project?

I decided to draw a class swap for these two (right). So Casp switches to English and Fran switches to Maths, and they swap outfits to go with it!

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Alright, I've had a week of not really being in a mood to draw, but now I've returned with a scene from one of my projects, Loradila!

"It'll be okay. I'll find a way to get you back home. Now tell me, what's your name?"

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IDK what to post right now, so here. Have some art evolution for my Pokemon OCs.

Left: January 2022
Right: July 2022

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Here, have an attempt at a fish Magnemite. (Electric/Water regional variant)

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So recently I took my first shot at designing regional variants for my Pokemon fangame concept, Pokemon Fable.

So I started with regional variants for Purrloin and Liepard. They're Dark/Fairy type, based on the cat sith.

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Just finished another redraw of Conor and Bridget, my fanmade Pokemon protagonists!

This time I finally drew them with their Command Lockets, and I experimented with Pokemon-style eyes.

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Here, have a Fantina. Not sure if I'll properly finish this art, I just wanted to give a shot at this character design.

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Mirror from October 2021 (left) vs. Mirror from June 2022 (right)

My art doesn't stop striving for new heights.

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"Would you kindly demonstrate how you battle, and with which Pokémon?"

Just finished this art of Roxanne from the Hoenn Pokémon games! (and her Nosepass) I feel like I'm getting back into the groove with art productivity.

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Here, have Roxanne from the Hoenn Pokemon games, together with her Nosepass.

This art is still a WIP, I need to add the shading to finish it up. But I'm still on an artistic go-slow, and right now it's 10:31 PM, so...

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Just finished drawing Doppel and Glass from Heartless, the creation of ! (I really recommend his content by the way, I love his art and his characters and also he's a fellow Brit)

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I'm tired right now and need to tweet more art, so here, have a Lissa for your troubles. (I drew this art at least a week ago)

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Here we are, one Sonic and Caliburn! This was a fun pose to try out, a bit out of my comfort zone but I definitely enjoyed drawing it.

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Here, have a work-in-progress of my fish-boy Carren. I'll finish this tomorrow.

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So I may have stayed up until 11 PM thanks to the sea of multitasking. But hey, it all worked out because I got to finish drawing this evil fairy girl!

Her name's Nyxia, she's one of the main villains in Loradila (one of my OC worlds).

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So I just went ahead and finally drew some of my OCs from Adventurer's Academy, my RPG concept project! The whole idea is that the protagonists are school students and they draw their powers from school subjects to fight.

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Just went ahead and drew one of my buddy 's many loveable OCs, Palettia! (and her grumpy-looking paint bucket, Arbeegee)

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