//=time() ?>
Shaina: Te amo.
Seiya: No entendí.
Si, básicamente así fue la declaración de Shaina en el manga xd
F∞F’s bday lines to Hikaru!!
Seiya: Even though it’s Hikaru’s birthday, I got tickets from him instead. “Hikaru On Stage.”
Akira: For Orihara’s birthday present, I’ll get him an assortment of throat lozenges.
Kanata: I saw “Pika-chan On Stage,” in the gym! He was sparkling—
May F∞F lines!
Seiya: It’s picnic season! I’m so excited for vibrant green scenery!
Kanata: It might be a bit cold in the shade. Take care, Producer-san.
Akira: The sunlight filtering through the trees is beautiful. If you look at it for a while, it kind of makes you sleepy…
Manga Cross libera capítulos gratuitos de Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas! https://t.co/r0j3P327w7
A TMS Entertainment não ficou de fora e disponibilizou em seu canal oficial no Youtube alguns episódios do anime.
En celebración del comienzo de la participación de los personajes del manga y el anime Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas en el juego móvil Saint Seiya: Zodiac Brave, Shiori Teshirogi compartió ilustraciones de los personajes que participarán en el juego.
Fuente @teshi_kuro413
Seiya: ¿Eh? ... No llores, no es nada es solo una simple cicatriz... pero ya no puedo distinguir bien... no llores... el deber de un caballero es protegerte...así que... ya no llores...
Más razones por las que amar Hades-Santuario❤️
Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac Season 5&6 (41 Episodes, Dub/Sub) is now on @netflix!
The character of the day: Minos
From: Saint Seiya: The Hades Chapter
Media Type: ova
Voiced By: Takahiro Sakurai, 櫻井孝宏, さくらい たかひろ
Voiced By: Koichi Tochika, 遠近孝一, とおちか こういち
Age: 23
Birthday: March 25
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Blood Type: A
Can I say I love Saga so very much?
Drawn using grid method for accuracy. Reference is from Saint Seiya: Awakening, the mobile game.
Maybe I am to be drawing Kanon next.
ヾ(・ω・)メ(・ω・)ノGemini twins!
#SaintSeiya #CaballerosdelZodiaco #聖闘士星矢 #SaintSeiyaAwakening
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas Gaiden – Sisyphus. Vol 10 Chapter 4 – English
Specially translated and interpreted for @Rykun_DSZ and @triplepuffed https://t.co/CziHeguv8b
Saint Seiya: Shining Soldiers announced for iOS, Android https://t.co/Iym1idBGOY
I still draw sometimes.
Cygnus Hyoga from Saint Seiya, Diamond Dust skin (Saint Seiya: Awakening)
He’s as beautiful as he is deadly, and I have the esteemed pleasure of voicing Pisces Aphrodite in the Netflix dub of Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac! I can’t thank @SentaiFilmworks, @shannondreed , and @ToeiAnimation enough for giving me this honor!🌹🎋
Al fin van a continuar Saint Seiya: Next Dimension, solo puedo decir...
Markino: sssshhhhhh falem baixo, isso aqui é um tribunal!
Dio as Cygnus Magnus from Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac crossover for Halloween
#cygnusmagnus #knightsofthezodiac #saintseiya #dio #diobrando #jojo #jjba #phantomblood
Excelente y emotivo video de @abhsalonikas de @IXNmedia hablando de lo mejor de Saint Seiya: el fandom que ama la franquicia y se esfuerza por mantenerla viva. 👏👏👏
No se lo pierdan 👇👇👇