Two wizards in Aeor, one grimly determined to save the world and his friends, one beginning a life of atonement for his own hubris. I loved this story arc.

14 49

a shadowgast illustration for my friend's mer-caleb au. these morally dubious lads are playing boyfriend chicken and it is going extremely well

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I am slowly working on moving over all my DnD and other fan stuff to this account so have some gay wizards & company on this last Thursday of pride! 🏳️‍🌈✌️

4 27

So, Matt Mercer says that Essek takes up knitting after CR2. Makes sense to me, wizards like to observe patterns and weave things together to make other things, right?

65 408

This feels like a good time to drop this doodle I did a couple days ago, tis the Essek Season

75 400

Local war criminal knits a scarf to share with his boyfriend 🔮

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little shadowgast thingy while i work on other things.. theyve rotted my brain <3

237 804

🏳️‍🌈 Pride Illustrations 🏳️‍🌈
Final Week: Caleb & Essek Cuddles

16 80

I have flatted all the bgs, figured out lighting (with a lot of help from kuro), and have 2 random pages completely done. I'm so excited for you to see this all finished. A couple more weeks?

This comic will be 18+ and will be posted at my side twitter

0 11

I did a redraw from a piece a year ago, and wow has my style changed a lot in the last year. I'm really happy with how this turned out, and it gave me an excuse to draw the wizards :)

9 27

Am in the hospital but thinking about the wizards physically heals me faster 😌🧡💜

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I learned some very important things in the first shadowgast comic, ie everyone loves Essek with a cheek smoosh. So I made sure to add in a couple here for repeat success.

3 15

I've always loved paper dolls. This is one for Essek. I may do other CR characters since this was a lot of fun to make.

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