[Pov. Kanaye shows you his True Hair color]

Kanaye: "Oh dear. . . You really wanna see it? okay then. . . let me just-"

5 10

I made a boyfriend x girlfriend ship child. | Y'all can pick a name for her!

1 16

Maelle's Daughters
-Aliza LightWolf
-Spring Shark
-Violetta Quoll
All daughter by me

2 13

I have no name for her yet, but Chruz (Killer/Cross) shipchild.

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Yea I make a ship kid :D lol
This idea suddenly popped into my head

Knid belongs to MEHHHH (Ik weird name again)
Emoji belongs to
Ink belongs to Myebi/comyet
Killer belongs to Rahafwabas

11 153

[here is my draw*] kanaye: Look sister! I have a son!!

Derry be like:

5 6

Have some scissor x and
His gaster blaster-
Scissor x (errorcrink shipchild) created by me
Errorcrink/Errorinkcross ship by

0 10

I drew this errorcrink and his shipchildren-
Scissor x (little brother of cross-entropy and shipchild of errorcrink) by me/
Cross-entropy (older brother of Scissor x and shipchild of errorcrink) created by

0 23

🌼 Charla 🌼 (1/2)
Cómo andan mis fantasmas? 👻
Hace rato que ando queriendo subir este cómic jajaja
Anyways, espero tengan una linda noche ✨

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Info about young adult scissor x
*he has crush on freshberry shipchild named skateboard
He is tallest than his brother and their parents
Credit: scissor x and skateboard created by me
Errorcrink/errorinkcross by

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遅い 😄😅

1 7

I finished draw About errorcrink shipchild brothers but christmas 🎄 hat

Scissor x (youngest brother of cross-entropy)created by me/
Cross-entropy (older brother of Scissor x)created by


0 7

This is Wip about errorcrink shipchild brothers (scissor x and cross-entropy) but Christmas 🎄

Scissor x (youngest brother of cross-entropy ) created by me
Cross-entropy (older brother of Scissor x) created by

0 6

This is comic about cross-entropy and scissor x "between brothers"
Part 2
Cross-entropy (errorcrink shipchild) created by
Scissor x (another errorcrink shipchild) created by me

0 8

That boy <3

Anyways there's this song my mom play this song by Justin Timberlake called "that girl" and it reminded me of poth :)

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Sadly i didnt reach to post it in time [was in december 4th], But still, Happy birthday Lucida! Eat all the choco you want!

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