I'm VERY excited for for some reason.

5 9

Between these two and Kukri it’s just my KOFXIV team! ٩( ᐛ )و

10 72

It's a fatal

Terry. My dude. What did they do to you? lmao

6 27

Hear me out SNK, we need big tiddy mom Geese as DLC at some point too.

56 177

Been doodling at this since the announcement! I mean was trending!! WAHT?? Anyways, my take on this now officially gender bent Bustah Wolf(Waifu?) but actually with some muscles 👌🤔

1369 4657


77 160

So, Terry Bogard is a thing in I hear it came from from that special that Demitri has. Interesting stuff.

12 40

Even Terry Bogard can't get enough of herself!
Quick doodle before collapsing, hope you like!

175 1091

( )の必殺技: により女性化されていたのだ!

1240 873

Just wanna draw Mai from King of Fighters.
I really love her in KOF13. Haven't try her on KOF14 yet :P

1 3

Parece que este va a ser el acabado final... Es tan lindo y también viene con el soundtrack 😊 https://t.co/9HH3QKFnfz

42 93