Now that I've gotten your attention
I've been thinking...this whole time I've been spacing out in insanity, only to remind myself again that "wishes don't occur if you don't apply yourself first" (based on my observations, or delusions...)

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I did a draw yourself as a deity challenge on TikTok so here's me, deity of spacing out! Ascosiated with crescent moons, caffeine, foxes, and small trinkets. Offerings are shiney things, simple cloth, caffeinated sodas, and plushies.

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I’d like to offer art, if that’s alright !
I’m sorry for spacing out on reading, but here’s my commission sheet (willing to offer any art for it, as long as it’s equal price !)

I can try to pay shipping ! 💖

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Sorry for the lack of updates— been doing chores outside art lately and spacing things out.

Take care!

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Okay I think I’m happy with the design. Was mostly just the size, spacing and balance of the text. Played around with gradient maps and now idk which one I like more.

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Me, spacing out? Nuh-uh! ...Well, I guess I do sometimes when I think about you, my perfect Owner~♡

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Smash arguments about:
Top-/high tiers
"honest Smash characters?"
Spotdodge cancel

Somehow we got to the point of talking about MP RNG after mentioning luck in Smash

Made a mistake in previous reply, so I deleted it

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Sticks people
(You can see the background shows an their old design, tho some of them doesnt visible due to some tight spacing but oh well too lazy to edit it.)

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these! are my faves :] 6/6

i think they all show the best skill level in framing, spacing, and color combos :D

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We made a mistake and thought it was a reference to the rainbow edit of "Get Out Frog" because it was so similar. That was our bad.

Thanks to MMillion_ for correcting us and providing the source.

(Reposted due to a spacing error.)

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Redid my line art from last night and man, line width makes a HELL of a difference.

I think the next part is gonna be perfecting the number of strands to use for each hair group and the spacing between them.

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I don’t do all stars but I wanted to mirror your choices!

I feel like there’s a patten here, I don’t know where or what, but it’s there, but I like fast, light and sharp easy to use characters. Spacing with Marth and Clairen is hard but rewarding. Other two? I like women

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What is he spacing out over? We may never know.

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Once the train leaves the station, it can be hard to stop. More Korps art that I could be spacing out more, but hey, they've waited years already, and they pair nicely!


🎨: @.DistressedEgg, @.KorpsPropaganda

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Here the points I make are converted to a continuous raster surface. If I want a cliff I need the points to be close together see the trench at the top, if I want more of a slow slope then I spread them out. If I want it flat I use regular spacing and don't change the value.

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[Pocky Day]

"If you keep spacing out like this, I might end up devouring the hazelnut."


Sephiroth ®© FF7, SE
🌟Antares🌟 (OC) © Me

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More sketch headshots XD I have a lot more of these to post but I’m spacing them out so I have content Lmaoo

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Part 4: Spacing & I triple checked, these are the ones that have an art tag

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Is they creature on the right supposed to be Humbaba/Muud Suud? Or is there an FF4 creature I’m spacing on

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