Star Trek TOS is the best to be honest, it's so... campy and makes me smile.

4 6

there they are, one of sci fi's most iconic trios

2 5

been watching more of that space show

2 3

Sure, sure, Spock is in control of his emotions

83 202

Mindmelds are romantic, don’t fight me on this

67 142

Women Of StarTrek The Original Series.#Startrektos

12 67

Happy pride month!! Space is gay, I don't make the rules ⭐
(please don't scream at me that Bones is straight, tumblr already did that)

35 89

I’ve been sick and not able to draw! Feeling better today. Sulu was also sick, once, in this TOS episode. And “The Emissary” Captain Benjamin Sisko from DS9

12 84

Dathon from the TNG episode: “Darmok” and Nurse Christine Chapel from TOS.

7 54

Sulu’s unicorn dog (Alfa 177 canine is the species) and his/her evil doppelgänger from TOS: The Enemy Within

0 5

Orion Slave Woman (lodubyal) wisdom “Better to be locked out, than locked in. “

2 4