Small update: Made slight adjustments to the line-art, added a sword and did some minor shading

6 27

Since is coming up, I figured "Hell, why not give it a go?" - Name suggestions? (WIP)

11 39

woooooo finished another quick thingy for today :D i guess in hype for september for TLAPD

9 50

Male AND Female Treasure Hunter with a few accessories enjoy and happy TLAPD!

30 82

Happy TLAPD everyone! Hope yaarrr having fun >:p

3 7

As a father of a Naval Guard, Seth is proud of her! Happy TLaPD from Seth and his daughter Thalyssa to everyone!

7 19

Happy TLAPD everyone! On a unrelated note, finally done with this. Floating emeralds is a cape, still a WIP xp

22 67

zereldo's pirate mage set for TLAPD release

40 84

Final preview of tonight. WIP of some TLAPD gear -

12 15

AQWorlds Character Name: influental_wariortupai , (Messy Naval Commander)

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Haunted Naval Commander
CharName: Quia

54 137

I just wanna update my contest entry if allowed IGN: lucariodark

2 2

AQW Char: PINWHEEL. Please save it as a PNG file! :) HighRes:

6 5

This is my entry to the contest, Blood Naval Commander, Account Username: Sushin Kiren

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Naver Commander.
Username: BadWife


31 82

Character name: Tootsey
TLaPD 2014
I hope i posted this right :S

0 2

The Digital Naval Commander
Animation can be seen here

12 28

Char Name: SIlencer xxx (i'm gonna post again cause my entry isnt in the dropbox.)

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