I heard it's today, so here's everybody's favorite elf wizard Taako!

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I miss my tresh son (still best husbando)

Thank for the art :v

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It's 5am here and I just finished a bunch commissions😅 here's a fanart of Tresh before I sleep😴💕

Hope you liked it tho💖🔁

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Thank you a lot for all the new followers!! Since we already passed the 15 participants treshold, the winner for this month will get a full body flat instead of a headshot!!

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'Spring Light over Staffa and the Treshnish Isles' (76x168cm) by Sarah Carrington
'Beaufort 12 Rise Again'
(2'6" x 4') by Dawnne McGeachy and
'Rain Storm, Ness'
(37 x 52cm) by Ruth Brownlee

On view now as part of our current show until 11/05/19

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아리&쓰레쉬 - 그놈이 울었다

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Thank you to my Dad for commissioning me for the charity fundraiser! He’s super excited for live show comming up.

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A rare behind the scenes sneak peek of how the much awaited cabinet reshuffle resulted in the present anticlimax. Cartoon was published in the Star newspaper

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Tacco Twins. Sisters and I finished The Balance arch for and I have never loved a podcast more then this one.

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HEYO FORGOT TO POST THIS!!! Hopefully anyone sees it IT'S STUFF NOW I'm in DEEP.

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el trio de amigos Oz galeo y erick dispuestos a ir de aventuras :"3! Espero que les gusten

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galeo a mysterious rabbit and very serious and cold hope you like ^w^

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Happy graphic novel release day!! 💖🌸🔮 I love these boys, I’m so excited to read the comic!!

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Bien nuevo personaje ewe Oz !!!

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