You know that thing where male/female animals develop traits of their male/female counterparts and end up as a mix of the two?

I present to y’all “Rathialos”!

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Ambos dan armaduras hermosas, pero viendo que es fatalis a secas me quedo con el Rathalos de plata

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Rathian has strong legs that allow her to run down and capture prey easily. While her flying abilities aren't as good as Rathalos's, she can still use her wings to become airborne for a short period of time, so she can attack enemies from the sky if need be.

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Monster Hunter G

Small Monsters
1. White Velociprey (Giaprey)

Large Monsters
1. Azure Rathalos
2. Silver Rathalos
3. Pink Rathian
4. Gold Rathian
5. Black Diablos
6. White Monoblos
7. Black Gravios
8. Red Khezu
9. Green Plesioth
10. Ashen Lao-Shan Lung
11. Crimson Fatalis

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One of my favorite weapon designs is the rathalos sword and shield because the blade made of pure crystalized magma and that shit is metal as fuck

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Rathalos has nothing on me..

This palamute is ready to kick some ass! This is for the awesome as heck !

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That just looks like a Rathalos from a distance

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Tus colores y esas alas me hacen pensar en un Rathalos plateado uvu

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Seregios is BACK, the Rathalos Harassment Squad has been REUNITED

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Sega v Capcom Dream teamm?

Bonne, Sarah and the last one is weird but it's a Teppen card called Rathalos-kin Mary and it's amazing. Anyways, call me Sega

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Dreadking Rathalos & Dreadqueen Rathalos

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Maaaan all the cool monster hunter people I know went to chaos on ff
Where my light monhun friends we had a rathalos to kill 50 times

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[95] Rathalos, King of the Skies

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Some of my very first comms in this bunch
🎨: @.gar32drawshit @.Punnybuni (2 and 4) @.RaythalosM

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So....I did a thing.
A Monster Hunter thing, to be precise.
Thanks to Ryle, who asked me to do the thing.

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Model references for
Rathalos Weapons - Dragalia Lost x Monster Hunter

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Model references for
Dreadking Rathalos - Dragalia Lost x Monster Hunter

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Model references for
Rathalos - Dragalia Lost x Monster Hunter

3 8