Berserk meant a lot to me and Miura’s death is heartbreakingly sad. Thank you for making one of the best manga i’ve read.

Let’s keep going and keep struggling. Rest in paradise you Legend

so heres somethin i drew in tribute..


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Berserk est un manga qui m'a profondément marqué. Miura a créé une oeuvre unique et absolument grandiose pendant 30 longues années. Son oeuvre restera incomplète, mais pour avoir dédié sa vie à cette oeuvre qui restera à jamais ma préférée...Merci Kentaro Miura

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I found berserk at such a low point in my life and it genuinely brought more out of me than smiling, cheering, sadness, etc. Inspiration and drive unlike anything I’d ever felt. Taught me so much and in hand so did Miura. He’s guided me to my real dreams in art

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