I have been wondering if the poverty and bad economy in that city leading people to commit suicide or sell themselves was intended so that the high social classes could take a benefit from it: abandoned buildings, a flourishing red-light district

0 22

This shows, KHW is aware that JHS/Ahn represented a 3rd party & he has to fight against the corrupted police/red-light district/politicians. Yet, no one has the recorded evidence IMO. Ahn wouldn't fear KHW. Ahn wouldn't be able to become politician

0 11

⌜ The Pawn’s Revenge ♟⌟
Chapter 20 is UP⤴ on Lezhin
📌 https://t.co/mPMtLhZ8by

Please support Evy nim by purchasing the chapters from the legal site! ❤

6 175

The title for the next essay has been chosen: "Janggi and life". I have already started writing it. I hope to be finished today. I will use the following panels.

0 20

If you compare both images, you'll see a huge difference between the two couples. JHS is turning her back on DSR, while DSR is facing LJO revealing, SR is trusting more JO than JHS did to SR. Yet, there's still a gap between SR/JO, but it's just a matter of time

2 23

The title of the next essay has been chosen: "Femme fatale". I have already examined her before, but now I'll compare her to different "femmes fatales" in literature. This will help us to comprehend her true nature/ predict her future.

0 35

Dear authornim, I was sad there was no new episode today.😢 However, I hope, you are doing fine... Take good care of yourself. 🤗I am mentioning your manhwa in my next essay. 😉

0 13

Thank you so much for the explanation. 😍👍 The question is now who are the players? Because you need two players. These panels/chapters give us some answer😉 https://t.co/ZCe22Hwa58

1 23

This is my favorite panel from the new chapter! LJO's smile is genuine just like the tears. For the first time, he heard, he was cute. 😍

1 42

The essay "The goldfish & the lamb" - part 2 will be released on Friday or Saturday. I'll use the following panels for the analysis. Since these analyses are quite popular (R&R got more 250 views/G&L: around 80), I am already planning a third one.

0 21

The title of the next essay has been chosen: The goldfish and the lamb » I really hope to be finished today. Yesterday I wrote about JO and this part is still unfinished 😅 The chosen pictures for the analysis so far.

0 13

The title of the next essay has been chosen: Revolution or revenge? I hope, it will be released today. I will use these panels in the analysis. Try to guess why.

1 16

⛓미리 말해두자면 난 위로 값이 좀 비싸.

21 157

Je-oh for the new cover of V0GUE magazine; sweet revenge!

46 503

I decided to make a chibi version of Seongrok too, look at them. They’re soooo cute🥺

read 기물들의 세계 <The Pawn’s Revenge> here :
📌 https://t.co/7YDYnhzw2U (kor)

📌 https://t.co/i7rHkWmzvE (eng)

21 216