halooo im tovaro you can call me tov and im addicted to coffee and minecraft

6 44

Hallo, names Tovaro im a techno simp and i cant do landscape thank you

4 104

11/15(日) 14:45 OPEN

【Music be Variety】





7 9


11/11 20:00〜
P P!!!!!!!

11/15 14:55〜

3 1

11/4 19:00〜

11/11 20:00〜
P P!!!!!!!(生DJ)

11/15 14:55〜
@ 秋葉原 (生DJ)

7 6

Amazing watercolors from the 16th-century Tovar Codex at , attributed to Jesuit Juan de Tovar but likely based on an earlier Nahuatl source by Christianized Aztecs: https://t.co/fUzwTDF31H

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I want to post more of my sketches to break up the coloured stuff. Here's one of Slug and Tovarish 💖

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Dimecres 14 d'octubre a les 19:00 h dins de les activitats del Sabadell negre, els amics de Còmics Sabadell, han organitzat una xerrada amb dels guanyadors del Premi nacional de manga, Dani Bermúdez, (exalumne de Joso Barcelona) i Fidel de Tovar sobre el manga de temàtica negra.

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Aquest dimecres 14 d'octubre a les 7 de la tarda, els autors Fidel de Tovar i Dani Bermúdez vindran a Sabadell amb motiu del Sabadell Negre 2020 que se celebra a La Llar del Llibre per parlar sobre el seu manga Liquid Memories, publicat per Norma Editorial.

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Title: Wander around | 2019 | Technique: Oil on canvas | 79.5 x 100 cm | Artist: Fernanda Morales Tovar

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Happy Birthday Cesar Tovar.
Mr Versatility played for the Twins, Phillies, Rangers, Athletics, Yankees. Pepe once played all 9 fielding positions in a game and broke up 5 no-hitters. RIP Cesar Tovar.

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A few of today’s notable baseball birthdays: Frank Tanana, Moises Alou, Cesar Tovar, Dickey Kerr

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Title: Panorama | 2015 | Tecnique: Oil on canvas | 86 x 136 cm | Artist: Fernanda Morales Tovar

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5ta Ilustración de Que ilustra mis deseos reprimidos de poder visitar este sitio.
Colonia Tovar - Aragua.
Ig: dos_ventiunoart
RT y Like, me ayudarías muchísimo! Gracias! 🙏🏾

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Бухарский натюрморт, Павел Варфоломеевич Кузнецов, 1913 https://t.co/dWyXm7tlCv

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23 years ago Stratovarius released Visions! Issued through Noise Records; it reached on the Finnish charts. Phenomenal power metal, a must have record!

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