What The Duck ! This won't happen on me ...
Conquakulations to the jackpot winner. What i want is only to get one jackpot whitelist .
Show me the duckcoins , my duckarmy.

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If you haven’t quacked yourself an UglyDuckWTF yet, you better get quacking! I cracked two eggs this morning and hit the jackpot TWICE!!! What the duck are you quacking waiting for? Get waddling down to the Opensea and join the ducking pond!

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This is a Ducking Madness!
I'm So Excited To these Ducks!

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Congratulations to our first quacking winner of the Jill NFT from the ecosystem that was cracked from an egg 🐣 who knows what else could be won 😱 so get cracking, NFTs will be added daily to our mystery eggs! 🦆

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Welcome to the ducking pond!
welcomes you!
That is one UGLAY DUCKAY!

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Just a hint… Get yourself a duck, nest it and crack those eggs as you might be quacking surprised what you might get -. ..-. - ... work it out and let us know what you think it could be 😱

Opensea: https://t.co/Zrzi899B6l

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Join us ⁉️

👨‍💻super dedicated team
🐣soft staking
🦆active community
⁉️world renowned artists 🎨
💎whitelist spot for mystery collection

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