Today's OA! chara appreciation is the pantsu otaku, Mikado!

He's the reason why i started to playing On Air! 2 years ago, and he (and An) is also the reason why i still in this fandom even after the game closed. Tho sometimes i dont like his dirty jokes...

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RINNNN i don't have much to offer you my sweet boy sowwy TT

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outa always had some of the most fun cards!!

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this whole set was gorgeous, definitely my favorite ren card~

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i've decided i will posting some of my old edits to go along with the ty on air project !!!

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On Air Appreciation Month

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walks in three days late* hey wassup remember when miyakasu were kinda into each other

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On Air Appreciation Month

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On Air Appreciation Month

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strawberry milk boy my beloved
Once again he will be finished at a later date /shot

But yknow. Ren was my ~second favorite character from the beginning and I genuinely think he's one of the cutest characters in the game.

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On Air Appreciation Month

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I'll finish and post him properly later I just wanted to have something to post before his day is over

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On Air Appreciation Month

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Avui hem inaugurat, en el marc de l'audiovisual "Vitralleria medieval", en un itinerari guiat per l'artesana vitrallera Anna Santolaria que ens ha dut a la i Can Pinyonaire, el seu taller. Repetirem a la propera agenda😍!

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