The Great Road to 4801 ShaoYI
No.0090 “SleepYing”

13 34

The Great Road To 4801
No.0085 “DreamYing” 「ドリーミィング」

17 32

The Great Road to 4801 ShaoYi
No.0082 “YummYi” 「おいしィー」

6 22

The Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi
No.0081 “Mitarashi Dango” 「みたらし団子」

7 20

The Great Road To4801 ShaoYi
No.0080 “DrYinking” 「ドリィンキング」

7 21

The Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi
No.0079 “MornYing” 「モーニィング」

9 31

The Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi
No.0078 “Yiting” 「イーティング」

25 53

The Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi
No.0077 “Hamburg steak” 「ハンバーグ」

13 31

The Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi
No.0076 “ShaoYi” 「シャオイー」

10 31

The Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi
No.0075 “Heeeeey ShaoYi!! Don't laugh in people's faces!”

25 43

The Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi
No.0071/0072 “✨💎✨” 「✨💎✨」

14 46

THe Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi
No.0070 “EYES” 「目」

9 29

The Great Road To4801 ShaoYi
No.0067 “Potato butter” 「ポテトバター」

11 32

The Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi 2022.01.31
No.0065 “Inside Garden” 「中庭」

16 49

The Great Road To 4801ShaoYi 2022.01.30
No.0064 “Yiting” 「スパゲッティー」

8 24

The Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi
No.0061 “Rosie” 「ロージー」

14 38

The Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi
No.0060 “Part of life ” “歯磨きぃー”

13 24

The Great Road To 4801ShaoYi
No.0057 “CatarinaoYi” 「ぽすっ」

17 41

The Great Road To 4801 ShaoYi
No.0056 “RUN” 「叫び声の中の一つに?」

11 25