画質 高画質


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75. This thing that male!Zun got all started as a joke. But now Gir pasties might be somewhere in his room and it’s all Zungie’s fault

(( sorry Gir ))

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73. Zungie’s BEEF energy reflects on male!Zun, hence you can see the size of the BIG HEART

(( not jealous, I swear… lemme cry inside ))

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72. As Zungie grows in power, even male!Zun gets BEEFIER as it goes on

Opse 👀 💦

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71. While you can describe Zungie as loud and chaotic, male!Zun can be dangerous too, but he comes across more as a gentle big brother with warm sunshine energy

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"hur touhou artists will look at a sprite of a character and somehow draw them with big boobs"

look at ZUN's comment about Urumi and look at Urumi's sprite

37 296

unbelievable. zun made an antisemitic stereotype of a character. i cannot support this series anymore.

9 100

Maybe since PoFV was supposed to be the last game ZUN burned all his drawing process notes; that's just a theory

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sometimes i forget ZUN has drawn rushia

25 139

다들 인사해, 순서대로

천공장 'ZUN' 아야
비상천 'alphes' 아야
영나암 '하루카와 모에' 아야
동방외래위편 '마사키치' 아야 야

3 9

Zun viendo como su dibujo pasó de esto // a esto https://t.co/0KkvNVAj1G

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And sure, you can have her alt, too. (ZUN why are her shoes green? Also, ZUN, learn how buttons work please)

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I fucking love Zun's expressions they're so fucking good

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