Sunrise, Islay
Oil on canvas
105 x 75 cm

Bushe is known for his evocative seascapes inspired by the ever-changing Scottish coast. Using expressive layers of thick paint, his paintings strike a balance between descriptive figuration and emotive abstraction.

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2019 did prove to be a kind of recollection of having SOME kind of humanity in my artwork. There must be some sort of happy medium between absolute abstraction and not absolute abstraction.

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Have you seen this absolute gem by Georgia O'Keeffe,on view at the !

Georgia O'Keeffe. Flower Abstraction. 1924. Oil on canvas. Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; 50th Anniversary Gift of Sandra Payson [1985] © Georgia O'Keeffe Museum/ARS (85.47)

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hi! i’m madz & I’m a fine arts artist! I do a lot of different art, primarily painting & film/digital photography. I’m also a writer as well. I like to explore “taboo” topics & ideas in my art along with abstraction. (also, my poetry book is being released 12/1-let’s hype it up!)

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Dimanche matin - 2019
Aquarelles Schmincke sur papier Arches torchon 300g.

Je cherche la délicate frontière entre le réalisme et une certaine forme d'abstraction. C'est un langage que je souhaite acquérir, mais il me faut encore le comprendre et parvenir à le maîtriser.

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just finished this one - more playing with poster paints and abstraction. I think this is my favourite style that I've tried so far.

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Exploring emotion through abstraction. Check out these gorgeous results!

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Up Close Everyday: Drawing 1 students start to explore abstraction.

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- I consider them to be more "solutions" as each piece is different. If I can, I generally try for the technique to be echoing the shapes it represents. Eg; Plunge No. 1 - The crazy Non-Euclidean underwater city is done with printmaking to create an insane abstraction.

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The idea of 'fun', like any idea is an abstraction. There are many clichés and models of 'fun'. Mostly, I look for peace rather than 'fun'. Peace is a model/idea I'm more comfortable with. Self criticism haunts me but objectivity is simply not possible so I try and let it go.💫😊

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I did a giant collab with Andrea Soos (an artist in my city) and here’s the result! It was fun to make something from the abstraction.💖💕

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with Ed Hinkley. A special opportunity to receive mentoring from Chicago based artist Ed Hinkley, from Realism to Abstraction. Group & 1:1 demos, critiques & encouragement.

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Happy Friday! Rolph Scarlett’s “Untitled” (1940-1945) is today’s During his 75-year career, Scarlett explored the bounds of abstraction. Explore the history of “Untitled” on the Artory Registry:

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Dreams of a Digital Sage: Just completed this meditation abstraction.

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Corné Akkers (, from the Netherlands, one of my favourite artists on, combines figurative work with the search for abstraction. His "Sans titre - 27-09-18" is a terrific drawing. Love it.

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Projections of Significance: A new meditation abstraction...

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Self-Portrait with Wife, 1908 - Frantisek Kupka. Lovely double portrait prior to Kupka's embrace of abstraction.

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The colorful patterns in “Duration” @ (R) in are layered from historical waterfront & pixelated satellite images, & forms from Modern Abstraction. Bravo uses her layering process in her work at ..

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