mañana tengo una entrevista para trabajar en un sitio increíble y soy un flan send ánimos y alineación de estrellas PLS >___<

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Para una Aasimar maga
una ara ara. (? Su nombre será Moona, pensaba darle un alineamiento malvado, debo ver cuál en específico

1 6

SoMe ArT fOr ArTfIgHt


I am really proud of both.

One is for and CrysalineArt on IG

1 10

Genial como siempre .
Me gustaría aportar algo, que creo está muy alineado con lo que nos cuentas en tu artículo.

"No tengas miedo de sentarte tranquilamente a pensar"


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dibujo comics cortitos y si se alinean los astros también hago fanarts de cosas. en el hilo de abajo están la mayoría de los que he subido a tuiter punto com 💫

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do u want to live in salineas or are u normal

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get in loser we’re going to salineas

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I mean, come on, it's not a coincidence I grew up in a house surrounded by powerful, intelligent Black women and keep writing matriarchies, goddess centered religions, badass women and matralineal decent into my worldbuilding. 2/2

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Y yo sin darme cuenta, de que Tom Hiddleston estaba haciendo un directo, porfavor me perdí un evento que se produce cada 6.000 años cuando se alinean los astros, y encima Tom con el peinado de Loki

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(2/2) ...The same tank where Catra emerges a moment later.
Hopefully everyone got out! She also co-operated with Scorpia re: heat bombs in Prom, activated the biggest pulse bomb, took over Salineas with Hordak, etc. She has some redeeming to do 😔 (but she will!)

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When the Horde took Salineas they just barely gave the inhabitants time to evacuate with Rebellion's help - but Hordak did not waste any time finding out if there were people still in the houses before destroying them. Laser cannons tried to hit people on their way out.

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From Adora's words in S1E2 we know that the Horde officially aims its attacks on "heavily fortified rebel fortresses", not civilian towns, but in practice they attack all kinds of Rebel settlements including peaceful villages (Thaymor, Elberon, villages in Salineas etc.).

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When Scorpia tossed Bow in Salineas, he was falling into a giant propeller that was rotating very fast, and would have died instantly if Sea Hawk had not saved him...

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La temporada 2 de WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS es un regreso a lo grande. No sólo sigue siendo brillante, ingeniosa y creativa, sino que se presenta con una fotografía y FX de otra división que le alinea con las grandes comedias de terror del cine como GHOSTBUSTERS. Ya está en

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: Soukoku o Shin Soukoku (no como OTP)

- Shin Soukoku. A pesar de que está sea la tercera alineación me resulta más compatible que sus predecesores.
Su pasados en común, sus habilidades y fuerte espíritu de lucha/supervivencia los hace un dúo formidable.

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La alineación incluye "Sailor Moon", "Sailor Mercury", "Sailor Mars", "Sailor Jupiter", "Sailor Venus", "Sailor Chibi Moon", "Sailor Uranus", "Sailor Neptune", "Sailor Pluto", "Sailor Saturn", "Sailor Star Fighter" y "Sailor Star Maker" y "Sailor Star Healer".

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10 Creative At Home Activities for Families. Great ideas and thank you for including us as Number 5. Yipee!

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