Late night sketch. Can’t sleep so I’m sketching while watching documentaries.

112 855

Just a quick one... trying to calm the ruckus in my head.

82 658

The right way?
This just happened this morning. I just wanted to make a quick sketch about it to remind myself. That's all.

74 446

Plant shopping.
We are getting a ton of plants for the studio!

FYI. The 15% discount coupon for the store expires Sunday night at 11:30.


Thank you so much already for ALL the people who already bought prints and books.

37 262

Soul cleaning.
It's a crazy world right now.
I don't want to ignore it or hide.
I just need a moment to let it go.
Then deal with it again.

278 1112

She got this.
I am ( a bit) of a grumpy guy( a bit).
I know it's now always easy to deal with me.
I think my wife does an amazing job at it AND at keeping me going.
Thank you babe, I love you.

154 853

Hot hot hot
It's a little hot these days.

65 620

A question of style.
Ultra simplified but yeah....

182 563

Someone randomly prompted me to do a wrestling image.

44 431

Wake up call
Don't hold back, he can take it.

67 544

More random sketches ( from the beac).
Did this one while I was at the beach yesterday! The other one was the piggies on the bikes was a couple of days before!

9 133

More and more random sketches.
My ability to do full on images is a little out the door right now with summer and stuff but oddly enough, i don’t mind the change of pace all that much!
I will get back to regular images at some point..... I think.

14 152

Another random sketch.
Now that I am( finally!) getting used to drawing on the IPad, i am starting to have a lot of fun. Also, it’s summer time so my schedule is all over the place so I’ll probably be doing a lot of random sketches like this!

16 182