Cerebella without her hat | Fan art

I forgot the existence of this drawing ª
Happy birthday cerebella but a lot of few months ago

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Tekanan di level top, efek obat-obatan, hingga stigma maskulinitas membuat pemain sepakbola rawan terhadap depresi.

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Eyy i did a thing. Last skullgirls thing i'll do for now tho. Gonna be busy over the next couple of days preparing something so here's Eliza 👀

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I think this is the colour scheme I'm going with for the Karma Skulls mascot 👀

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"Siapa pun yang ngadopsi sifat feminin diremehkan, karena kesadaran sifat feminin di masyarakat rendah. Mereka pikir, feminin berarti lembek & cengeng. Padahal feminin juga berarti hangat & penyayang. Sama keren kan sama maskulin?"

The Name of the Game, oleh Adelina Ayu (2019)

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|| They want more!
kneel, the waifu of the waifus has come, the goddess of goddesses, flexible, curvy, beautiful, attractive and with a great show to give, the great and powerful cerebella!.
speedpaint: https://t.co/cp1AzWQ5kA

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