More horse-y babies for Aywas! These guys were fun to draw :3

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Recent Platinum Breeding for Aywas n.n

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Newest RCC pet for the Saberyeen! :D

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mad another for someone i found likes SU as much as i do XD it's 1-800-Lapidot amirite

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The third and final gift drawn for user Prince Poke!

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Another gift drawn for user Prince Poke from this past holiday.

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Been doing shading commission on Aywas!! They're pretty relaxing for me to work on tbh

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Everybody loves children, right? A lovely for member Prince Poke from secret santa.

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Cute lil dinosaur for my buddy Frid (#28513) on Aywas

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doin some coloring things for aywas!!

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I'm aliiiiive *sort of* have some recent Platinum bebs for Aywas ^^

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whew!!! finally been catching up on stuff I have to do. here's a commission for an aywas pet design!

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drew a lil cockatiel/housecat gryphon for someone on aywas! :3

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More platinum babies for Aywas ^-^

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Recent babies for Aywas n.n

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Some recent stuff I've done for Aywas yay for moth babies!

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Recent work for Aywas ^-^

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