Ben Affleck melhor e maior Batman sim dona Warner a senhora tá louca

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I hope you will get over the difficulties.
I think all fans(including me!!) are waiting for your big smile and being a hero again.
You are the one of superheroes.

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Spoilers, I guess, but this was just one of my favorite “Holy Sh*t” moments.

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生賀都能晚3天我真的好抱歉😭不如就當是明年的生賀一個拜早年的概念醬我不僅沒遲到還比大家都早了(滾)I know this bday pic it's sooo delay&I am so sorry T.T wish you happy Ben!!💛💛💛#BenAffleck

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恭喜寶貝獲頒 Humanitarian Award!!他是世上最好的人!!(っ>ω<)っ♥Congrats to my babe! so proud of him!! best and kindest man on earth<3

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