Natural history illustration and the park: Iconografia della fauna italica : per le quattro classi degli animali vertebrati, by C L Bonaparte, 1832-41, BHL/Smithsonian, 4 vols........

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Parrots in the park: we keep hoping.........Global trends of habitat destruction and consequences for parrot conservation ...... (Images; BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: Curtis's botanical magazine, vol 146, 1920.....Multiple volumes by William Curtis et al.........BHL/Missouri Botanic Garden.....

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Birds in the park: Report on the birds of Pennsylvania. With special reference to the food-habits, by BH Warren, 1888.....BHL/Smithsonian....

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Butterflies and the park: The decline of butterflies in Europe: Problems, significance, and possible solutions...𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘫𝘰𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘦...... (Images: BHL)

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Birds in the park: Vocal activity rate index: a useful method to infer terrestrial bird abundance with acoustic monitoring......... (Images: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: Abbildung der wilden Bäume, Stauden und Buschgewächse, by Carl Christoph Oelhafen von Schöllenbach, et al........1767-1804, BHL/Harvard,

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Sentient vegetation and the park: The dynamics of plant nutation.......can plants possess intent?............fascinating research ............... (Image: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: Curtis's botanical magazine.......Vol 112, series 3, v 42......1886, BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden......

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Butterflies in the park, and elsewhere: Online ID courses for the identification of butterflies and moths.......from Butterfly Conservation (not free) ....... (Images: BHL)

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Bird illustration and the park: Pigeons, by PJ Selby, 1845-6, Naturalists' Library Vol 9, BHL/Wellcome....

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Botanical illustration and the park: The florists' journal and gardener's record : illustrated with superior coloured engravings RCH Groombridge et al.....3 vols, BHL/Smithsonian .

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Insects and the park: An epitome of the natural history of the insects of India : and the islands in the Indian seas: by Edward Donovan, 1800, BHL/NCSU......

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Natural history and the park: Five hundred fascinating animal stories, with numerous colored plates, illustrating the nature, habits, manners and customs of animals, birds, AH Miles, 1907, BHL/Uni Connecticut.....

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Botanical illustration and the park: The book of nature study, by John Bretland Farmer, 1909, BHL/Uni California, 6 vols.......

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Natural history and the park: The tribes on my frontier; an Indian naturalist's foreign policy, by E H Aitken........1904, BHL/Uni California Libraries,

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Botanical illustration and the park: Nederlantze hesperides : Oeffening en gebruik van de limoen- en oranje-boomen : gestelt na den aardt, en climaat der Nederlanden, by J Commelin et al, BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden, 1676

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Bird illustration and the park: Systematische Uebersicht der Vögel Nord-Ost-Afrika's, by E Ruppell and J Wolf, 1845, BHL/Smithsonian ....

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Bird illustration and the park: Ornithological miscellany, vol 3, 1878, by GD Rowley et al, BHL/Smithsonian.....

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Botanical illustration and the park: Alpen-Flora für Touristen und Pflanzenfreunde, by J Hoffmann and H Friese..... 1904, BHL/NYBG ......

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